Weird Dream Thread

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Dormouse559 wrote: * Actually, it's not that simple. I was the main character until the monster showed up, then I switched to an observer position like I was watching a movie, and Bridgit Mendler became the main character.
Often dreams are not so simple, and A LOT like what you describe.
Point-of-View in dreams is the subconscious wrangling with the Id/Ego/Superego.

Slightly related to your dream, Dormouse, is the narrowness of tunnels as a theme. When I have dreams (specifically ones that involve Hell), Hell is not a sweeping landscape of desolation like in the flick Constantine. Nor is it like a big hole within a hole or planes atop planes like in the Greco-Roman or Dantesque traditions.

When I consider the Underworld in my subconscious, it is almost always
like a maze or labyrinth. Passages are barely wide enough for one person
to walk through without doing so "belly-to-wall". They are poorly lit (not flaming) but if they are lit, it is with a purpley-blue flame or glow
as from burning sulphur (Cf. sulfuric pyroclasts of Kawah Ijen - ... -0207f.jpg

Such ideas for me seem to be influenced by a combo of Labyrinth (Jim Henson) and The Lament Configuration (Hellraiser). Who knows? I do not mean to cheapen them by using pop-cultural references; just that they are the most readily at hand. On further research, both images seem to be (subconsciously) related to the Chinese concept of DiYu or Sanscrit Naraka (?!).

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Creyeditor »

There is a saying in Omlűt:
Rhoptsë zhaupt.
The mad man follows his dreams.
"Thoughts are free."
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Okay. Last night the Archangel Gabriel and I were making pumpkin pie in my mother's galley. My mother was in the basement (which we don't have because it's a boat) harvesting the pumpkins, which she carried up to us. We then made pie with them. Yep.

What is it with me and angels and pumpkin pie???
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Tmt97 »

It's probably because pumpkin pie tastes heavenly. My last dream was of being chased through a locke wallmart by Klingons and the Borg in some kind if twisted intergalactic hunger games scenereo. The odds were not in my favor, and I doubt anyone has ever had a weirder dream than that. [:P]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ànradh »

Tmt97 wrote:... I doubt anyone has ever had a weirder dream than that. [:P]
Check some of kiwi's older posts on this thread. :p
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Ooh - I just remembered: When I was about six or seven, I would have recurring dreams about a young woman who was trapped in a fortune cookie factory by the evil villain (goatee and mustache and top hat and monocle... you know the drill). I am his evil henchman, and I stand and watch as she is slowly, torturously turned into a batch of fortune cookies. I am so sickened that I quit the henchman job and retire. Later occurrences of the dream had me meeting the ghost of the woman, who now haunts a Chinese restaurant.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Creyeditor wrote:There is a saying in Omlűt:
Rhoptsë zhaupt.
The mad man follows his dreams.
But the wise person remembers them.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Prinsessa »

The other day, for once, I had a dream that I remembered well enough to find it worth writing down. I only wrote it down in Swedish, though. Swedish with a (only slightly, actually) modified orthography. If anybody reads Swedish and can be arsed to take a look at it, here you go:
Jag var i något hus som vissa likheter delade med Dalaskolan, men långt mykket digrare og oenhetligare. Syndes i ändarna av huset även innsidan i viss utsträkkning vara ojämnt stenig som om at byggnaden låg i en klippa; utsidan av huset sågs knappt under drömmen, men under den korta bit då hon synlig var, så verkade fallet sannerligen vara slikt. Islandsvibbar prydde läget.

Någon form av omgivningsundergång var i görningen. Lava strömmade tydligen frå fjällen byggnaden i mot, men til synes utan allt för omedelbar fara. I sagda bergsbyggda kant husets fann jag en öppning i väggen som verkade leda rakt inn i en liten grotta. Ingen djup sådan, utan snarare ett mykket högt valv i klippan som i bottnen bar en stillsam damm av lava.

Med mig havde jag tydligen en kamera og fann så tilfället ett godt ett för at knäppa mig ett härligt biläte av denna fagert bjärta sörja. Började jag så häva mig neder mot en lämpligare avsats i detta valv og fann mig snart nästan i jämn höjd med smältstenen själv, i innbilladt tryggt läge smått bak skjuten i en liten sänka.

Jag avfyrade några skott med ljuslådan min og började känna mig nöjd med innsatsen när så med ens ett utbrott i pölen satte i gång. Upp sköt i höjden en pelare av brinnande massa ur midten. Som i ett under rasade han sedan åter samman utan at skvalpa og skvätta om sig, eller mot mig, dödliga klumpar.

Viss oro började nu växa i mig. At lämna denna sänka og åter komma mig upp i huvudbyggnaden var nu mitt uppdrag. Jag tog så ett steg ut men hindrades genast av ytterligare fräsande spott ur djävulsgapet og bakkade raskt inn i gen. Flera og flera små utbrott med allt kortare mellanrum hände. Jag såg huru öppningen, som hjulpet havde mig inn i valvet, nu började at täppas til av smulten sten og uteslutas som möjlig flygtväg.

I andra änden av valvet, över hvirveln og en bit upp å väggen midt i mot mig, hvilade i klippan en liten glipa. I genom henne såg ut at finnas enda tilgängliga räddningen ur denna groende skärseld og i ett språng efter at inn hava bidet några fortsatta utbrott kastade jag mig mot henne og fikk ett fast grepp om en kant. Jag hov mig ut - lekamen min med nöd og näppe liten nog at få rum i genom holet - og fann mig så hängande upp å sagda yttre klippa.

Upp lykkades jag så klättra över ytan, skrovlig nog at bjuda godt ett fäste, og snart var jag åter i ursprungsläge uppe i rummet som jag först havde taget mig neder i valvet frå. Allt mera og mera lava bubblade barskt i bålet för nedan. Ur lekfull hänförelse över fägringen i elden havde jag så tvungen nu varet at ett alvar kvikkt sprunget upp i hvitögat skåda. At jag borde giva mig av ur detta rum stod tämligen klart.

Motsatt klippan var i annan ände rummets en dörr. Med luren min i högsta hugg i högra hand hankade jag mig fram mot denna medan jag upp flätte nummer til moders mins. Mot örat sattes hörsnäkkan för at ganska omedelbart fyllas av önskad röst. I min nu funna oro, över at ett ondt og digert öde ikke bara bed skolan, utan snarare hela området, vilde jag henne ju varna og så även veta, hvar hon för stunden hus höld.

Före hon ens han svara detta spörsmål möttes jag av andlete hennes, då jag dörren havde nått i og öppnadt, bara för at av en eller annan grund finna ikke bara henne, utan og katterna våra tre, i rummet inn til det som jag själv nyss havde varet i. Jag brast omedelbart ut i rop om faran nalkandes. Bad henne at samla katterna i hop og sagde at en väg tvungen var at finnas ut.
Jag såg då i genom glasrutan inn i nästa rum folk i mängd röra sig i vår närhet. Medan moder min upptagen var av at tryggt sätta djuren i bur, för at ut kunna fås ur byggnaden, kutade jag bort dit för at tala med folket. Helder ingen av dessa människjor visade sig vara medveten om hvad som komma vilde, men efter varningen min frodades bland dem almän oro. De var många og bland dem hystes flera barn.

Med katterna slöt sig snart även mamma til skarans i detta rum og i genom tvenne glasrutor kunde nu ses magma välla inn i första rummet längst bort, som jag frå början havde kommet frå. Valvet havde börjadt at läkka över. För en utväg vändes alla huvuden åt annat håld, men där var nu og lava under inntåg.

Enda lösningen syndes vara upp åt. I taket sågs inget spår av någon lukka. Ingen trygghetsinngivande genomskinlighet med någon blikk mot himmeln at bjuda. Så lagde jag då märke til dess at taket var byggt upp av plattor. En av dessa havde i sig ett litet hol. Jag förmodade at denna platta vore just en taklukka, og mykket riktigt var til i rummet en lång pinne med smalare ändar - uppenbart avsedd för at nå og öppna i taket.

Hvad gälde at sedan komma sig upp fanns mig självklart at dädan sedan skulde trilla ut en stege, og bad så för deras egen trygghet alla andra at maka sig ut i hörnen. Stegen vore lång og ingen kunde veta åt hvad för håld han sedan vilde fällas ut. Jag bad dem dokk även at hålda uppsikt över rutorna, ty at stå i ändarna av ett rum med brand frå båda rättningar kommande vore där det minst trygga läget at finna sig i.

I detta hela snurrade i huvud mitt ständiga tankar om at även nyttja luren för at få fatt i kärastan min og höra mig för om hennes trygghet, men innsåg at det i nuvarande läge vore tämligen meningslöst at slösa den tiden för at sedan själv brinna og hindra något som helst framtida förhåldande i hvart fall. Först gälde at komma ur denna tikkande bomb.

Samtidigt klagade moder över meningslösa våndamål i helheten, som över ting som ikke räddas kunde. I rummet, som hon havde suttit i, hyste hon tydligen alla möjliga grejer. Jag sagde åt henne at strunta i dem og uttrykkte oviktigheten deras i sammanhanget.

Drömmen slutade före jag hann få upp lukkan. Pinnens två smalare ändar visade sig äga olika tjokklekar og hvad för ände som til var för at öppna lukkan visade sig krångligt at lista ut. Ingen verkade helt passa. När jag sedan vaknade spånade jag även i at vi förmodligen havde fått ringa oss en slända at flyga oss bort från taket, men oroade mig över at ledningar og telefoner kanske i det skedet kommit skulde hava at brunnit upp og ödelagdts.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

kiwikami wrote: What is it with me and angels and pumpkin pie???
Personally, the connection's easy - pumpkin pie is celestial food.

1) Have you ever eaten pumpkin pie?

2) Have you ever grown pumpkins?

3) Is pumpkin pie for you the most exalted ambrosia on the face of our planet, to be exceeded only by warm pumpkin pie topped with the sacred & holy whippèd crême (and perhaps a tisch of nutmeg)? [xP]

4) Did you ever have to NOT finish your pumpkin pie in order to do something religious (e.g. go to a service, attend a funeral)

5) Did you ever spill pumpkin pie on your "Sunday clothes"?

6) Do you drink coffee or chai with pumpkin pie spice added?

7) Pumpkins can be quite heavy and cumbersome to carry, but the ripest ones also can be quite fragile (okay, maybe not the nice, compact little pie pumpkins). Does this weighty yet fragile conundrum sound familiar?

8) Have you ever shot a pumpkin out of a catapult or smashed one like Gallagher (Sorry, just had to ask) [xD]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Tmt97 wrote:It's probably because pumpkin pie tastes heavenly. My last dream was of being chased through a locke wallmart by Klingons and the Borg in some kind if twisted intergalactic hunger games scenereo. The odds were not in my favor, and I doubt anyone has ever had a weirder dream than that. [:P]
Fucking Klingons AND fucking Borg. Kill them. Kill them all!
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Micamo »

Last night I dreamt that I was hiding an assault rifle in my pants for some reason. It didn't have a safety switch and it was loaded, so I was absolutely terrified of the gun misfiring and getting me in the leg.

It came in handy though when the Patrick Stewart robot zombies showed up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Miren da Micamo ma -
Last night I dreamt that I was hiding an assault rifle in my pants for some reason. It didn't have a safety switch and it was loaded
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do against those Patrick Stewart robot zombies.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by mich2000 »

Some time ago, I dreamed that I was spying on a group of primitive ape men called Homo Rationalis. Suddenly, one of them caught sight of me and started to chase me. Then I woke up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

mich2000 wrote:Some time ago, I dreamed that I was spying on a group of primitive ape men called Homo Rationalis. Suddenly, one of them caught sight of me and started to chase me. Then I woke up.
1) Was the location forest, savannah, rocky rockiness, or open flat land?
2) How many H. rationalis were present?
3) Were there males & females?
4) Was there a range of ages?
5) When you chanced upon them, were they eating, sleeping?
6) Did they have discernable weapons (.e.g. spears) or branches & rocks, or no weapons?
7) Did you have something in your hands when you ran away: a camera, some meat from them..?
8) were they hairy/furry/bare, dark-skinned/light-skinned?
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

I had a dream last night in a movie format. It started out with a preview (that turned out to be kind of misleading) of the dream/movie to follow. The main characters are two elderly sisters who go into a haunted carnival funhouse. Inside the funhouse they are transformed into their younger selves, but while there they learn to love their age and experience (I guess they disliked it before, but my subconscious didn't share that detail with me).

Then the main feature starts. The elderly sisters are walking along a street in my hometown when they see the funhouse (in real life the building is a gym I've never been to). The older sister is tall and thin and has gray hair that she keeps curled close to her head. The younger sister is shorter and plumper, and her hair is graying but you can still tell that it's blonde. When they go inside they find themselves in an anteroom. The room contains a memorial to a Marilyn Monroe-like actress they'd admired in their younger days. The memorial is a statue of the actress curled in a fetal position in a nest. After exchanging some words, the women enter the funhouse.

After that the movie diverges from the preview. The setting switches to the interior the funhouse. In a public bathroom, a young woman (not one of the elderly women) played by Ann Hathaway is standing at a sink looking at her reflection in the mirror. She's been trapped in here a long time. There is a sound in a nearby hallway and the woman fires a gun she's holding in that direction without looking away from the mirror. Then a monster comes from the hallway with a young man in its grasp. The woman manages to shoot and kill the monster without hurting the man.

That scene repeats itself, and then I wake up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Creyeditor »

I had two dreams last night.
In the first one, I was an english detective, who was suppossed to solve a riddle about an escapee from a prison near the English Channel. I found out that he put insane amounts of sand into the channel to build a natural bridge to France, to help the French prisoners to escape. Nobody believed me, when I showed them how the Bridge should have worked. So I build the bridge myself, but I left out the last bit and then people believed me and arrested someone.
The second dream was in a village, which was my home in the dream. The lived near a huge giant dam, and there was a deep pond in front of it. Every year they drowned the worst criminal of the village. This year, it was two little girls and me. I did not know why and I had a discussion with my fictional grandparents, why it should be done. I was hiding there, so I could not save the girls, but I wanted to. My grandparents believed that I had done something that was bad enough to justify this punishment. In the end I went to the pond, where the crowd had gathered with the two little girls. I wanted to ask them for the reason of my punishment, but then I woke up, because I walked in slo-mo.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Ooh, last night I was sneaking into a heavily guarded palace, no idea why, but it was very important that I get in without being noticed. I could turn invisible, and I had a Shadow-esque laugh that I used to strike fear into the hearts of the guards. It was very fun. At one point, I had to sneak past a few of them and reach an elevator (only to find that the elevator was in fact a microwave - I didn't stick around) and then there was this big room with tripwires and lasers and motion detectors. Even though they couldn't see me, they could hear me. So I had to be vewwy, vewwy qwiet and eventually I led them all into their own traps. Then there was this one woman who managed to corner me, but she ended up being rather nice and actually gave me the key to the next room, which was a boiler room of sorts with pipes leading to the rest of the palace. I used them to enter the throne room, hiding invisibly pressed against a wall while the king and queen came by in some sort of progression.
Then I woke up.
But it really was quite fun. The laugh was a nice touch - thank you, subconscious, for an enjoyable (possibly regicidal... still don't know what I was doing in there) night!
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by decem »

I had three strange dreams last night:

The first, I was observing a porno being made. I think this was inspired by a friend saying she had a similar dream the day before. Afterwards I found myself at a seaside resort walking down the beach and having to go into some sort of shower complex.

The second, it was in a family get-together and my grandmother kept collapsing and ending up unconscious. It happened a few times, then she died. I can tell you I was glad to see her well today!

The third, I was in Amman, Jordan with my family, going through a shopping centre in our car - there were special lifts for cars that took you to the different shops. I can remember I was looking for chewing gum and books in a shop that had no roof, and everything was in English, not Arabic.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by MrKrov »

What do recurring dreams of alligators sneaking in more farmlike versions of past & present residences of mine and eating various “pets” signify?
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Miren de Mr. Krov ma -

1) Do you live/have lived on a farmhouse at all?

2) Do you like farming, or would you have ever wanted to live on a farm?

3) Are the victim-animals actually "pets", or just animals on the farm?

4) Are there many "pets"? Like, too many over which to keep a close watch?

5) Did you ever have/do you have/would you like to have - a pet reptile?

6) Did the alligator sneak in during the day or at night?

7) Did you witness (you know, kind of objective/omniscient oneiric viewpoint)
the alligator actually sneaking in, or just first-person catch him/her in the act
or leaving?
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