CBB Conlang Relay II

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CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by nmn »

Who's up for a second relay? The first one turned out to be quite succesful.
If you're interested in participating, post the name of the language you'll be participating with.
Native scripts are allowed, you'll just have to provide information on how to read them.
The relay starts on 1st of Octomber.
Since the relay text is shorter this time, there are 48 hours for translation.
  • nmn - Eziprys
    What to translate:
    Brof skjapajus no omar mytuco, fo mytuco ri stajej bromo dri ri mo.
    Brof skjapajus no drer, fo drico ri zo fom skaraktepomi ri.
    Eda skarakte ri eplajk inva oripomi ri. No omar mytuco mo brok no yjepraco ri bromo.

    brom - be
    dre - do
    za - serve the purpose of
    eplaj - apply
    oma - have
    fo - because
    eda - and
    ri - your
    ryf - you
    skjapa - careful
    no - what
    mytu - thought
    stajej - today
    dri - deed
    mo - tomorrow
    skarakte - character
    fom - shape
    oris - destiny
    inva - influence
    yje - event

    A verb(other than be) + noun combination has a combined meaning, e.g. 'to have shape' means 'to look like', 'to have influence' means 'to rule' and 'to apply shape' means 'to carve'.

    Verb endings:
    -r - 2 prs sg
    -f - 2 prs sg imperative
    -k - 3 prs sg
    -o - 3 prs pl

    In Eziprys the nouns rather carry the tense than the verbs.
    Noun/adjective endings:
    -co - plural, the noun exists in the present
    -ys - singular, the noun exists in the present, used in imperative constructions
    no ending - singular, the noun exists in the present OR plural, the noun will exist in the future, made/created by 2nd or 3rd person (human)
    -pomi - singular, the noun will exist in the future, made/created by 2nd or 3rd person (human)
    -praco - plural, the noun will exist in the future, made/created/caused by an external cause (most likely inanimate or abstract, but also includes animate)

    When an ending, begining with a consonant is added, it overrides the last consonant of the root, if any. For example, fom + praco becomes fopraco. 'j' is never overriden.
    Additionally, the following vowel clusters change:
    ao > o; ay > aju
    English Translation
    Be careful what you think, for your thoughts today are your deeds tomorrow.
    Be careful what you do, for your deeds form your character.
    And your character influences your destiny. What you think today is what will happen in future to you.
  • Trailsend - Feayran

    Háa ezuwinosikuxáuti, déi squnoktesákudùonhida kuhezutisákunaktùuda hé.
    Sú náa naktuwinosikuxáu, déi eljunaktusákuhinusw, sú ué eljuhinussákunùiwuskw.
    Ezuluwkuxínokteti, róu tí suluwkulí kusàokulídùikwda.

    Háa ez<u-win<u>si-ku-x-áu>ti, déi sq<u-n<o>kte-s-á-ku-d<ùo>nhi>da k<u-ez<u>ti-s-á-ku-nakt<ùu>>da hé.

    Sú náa nakt<u-win<u>si-ku-x-áu>, déi elj<u-nakt<u>-s-á-ku-in<u>s>w, sú ué elj<u-in<u>s-s-á-ku-nùiw<u>sk>w.

    Ez<u-l<u>w-ku-x-í-n<o>kte>ti, róu tí s<u-l<u>w-ku-l-í> k<u-s<àu>-ku-l-í-d<ùi>kw>da.


    Feayran has one class of content words, called “predicates.” All predicates have the following structure (where items in parentheses are non-obligatory):

    pre-stem + STANCE + (INC1) + (AGENT) + ASPECT + MOOD + (PATIENT) + (INC2) + post-stem

    Feayran roots are bipartite, consisting of a pre-stem and post-stem. Inflections are infixed between the stems. In the lexicon, the pre- and post-stems are separated by an asterisk. In some cases, one of the two stems may be empty.

    INC1 and INC2 are the two places in the predicate where other predicate roots can be incorporated. INC1 contains either an ablative or vialis argument, and INC2 contains either a locative or lative argument.

    Stance affixes
    u - indicates the speaker is in leading stance over the audience—that is, speaker has some manner of dominant social standing over the listener.

    Agent/patient affixes
    ku - 2nd person singular; speaker is in leading stance over the listener

    Aspect affixes
    l - "Confident" aspect; indicates something that the speaker is completely certain of
    s - "Imperfective" aspect; indicates an ongoing change or process, moving toward some goal or end
    x - "stative" aspect; indicates a state of being not necessarily progressing toward a goal or end

    Mood affixes
    áu - imperative mood
    á - indicatve mood
    í - subjunctive mood, used for both the protasis and apodosis of hypothetical statements

    Incorporated argument affixes
    àu - "ablative," indicates a point of origin or something from which something else arose
    ùi, ùo, ùu - "lative," indicates a destination, goal, or end-state
    o, u (in INC2 position) - "locative," indicates an area or time period within which a change occurs
    o, u (in INC1 position) - "vialis," indicates a route, instrument, or time period throughout which something occurs


    d*kw - "happening in the future"

    d*nhi - "happening next/tomorrow"

    déi - explanatory interjection

    elj*w - in imperfective aspect (-s-), "in the process of taking a new shape"
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the mechanism by which the shape is being changed
    ~~~~~~PATIENT: the thing whose shape is being changed
    ~~~~~~LOCATIVE: the part of the patient where the change is occurring

    ez*ti - in stative aspect (-x-), "in the process of thinking or pondering something"
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the manner in which the agent is pondering
    ~~~~~~AGENT: the one who is pondering
    ~~~~~~LOCATIVE: the timeframe within which one ponders

    háa - interjection indicating privileged understanding of something

    hé - definite/common ground particle; indicates that the speaker expects the listener to already be aware of the information in the preceding statement

    hin*s - predicate form of the WATER classifier; used idiomatically to reference someone's spirit or character.

    k*da - in confident aspect (-l-), "to surely be going somewhere"
    ~~~~~~ABLATIVE: the reason for going; what led to the going
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the manner or path via which one is going
    ~~~~~~AGENT: the traveller
    ~~~~~~PATIENT: a traveller who goes non-volitionally; who goes inexorably, instinctively, or without meaning to
    ~~~~~~LATIVE: the destination; what the traveller is going toward

    l*w - "doing something in a particular way"

    n*kte - "happening today"

    náa - a transitional interjection, used to introduce the next thought

    nakt* - in stative aspect (-x-), "working or acting on something"
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the manner of acting
    ~~~~~~AGENT: the one who is acting

    nùiw*sk - "flowing as water along a particular course"

    róu - interjection emphasizing the veracity of what follows

    s* - in confident aspect (-l-), "definitely happening/definitely doing something"; see grammar notes
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the manner in which something is done
    ~~~~~~AGENT: the one doing it
    ~~~- as an ablative argument, indicates that the incorporating predicate arose from or happened because of some other predicate. (Because of which other predicate is determined by context.)

    sq*da - in imperfective aspect (-s-), "things changing as time passes"
    ~~~~~~VIALIS: the period of time in the interim
    ~~~~~~PATIENT: the one who is passing time, the one who is changing with time
    ~~~~~~LATIVE: the end of the period of time; the point which time is progressing toward

    sú - coordinating particle, "also"/"furthermore"

    tí - restrictive particle, indicates that what follows should be taken to the exclusion of other things; "only/exactly/in particular"

    ué - interjection used to draw attention to particularly important points

    win*si - "being cautious/wary"

    Grammar Notes

    Word order: Word order is determined by newsworthiness; predicates that are surprising, or more important, or new topics, etc., come earlier in the phrase.

    Auxiliary roots: The auxiliary/converb root, s*, can be used to expand the morphological space of a predicate. Since predicates can only hold one incorporated root at each incorporation site, it is impossible to incorporate both an ablative and vialis argument (or both a locative and lative argument) onto the same predicate. Instead, an auxiliary predicate is added which agrees with its head predicate in at least aspect and mood. The auxiliary then holds one of the two conflicting arguments, while the head predicate holds the other.
    English Translation
    Think carefully, for as you know, from today to tomorrow your thoughts will become your actions.
    And act carefully, for your actions shape your spirit, and lo! Your spirit shapes the course of your life.
    The path your thoughts take today is precisely the path you will walk into the future.
  • xinda - Cednitit
    Keŋŋdcı ùbınıne edathandı, srodu srokun obawıt ùthınnı ùxnimmen ùdapnımmı owkıxt odrno oboncıl eca.
    Ant ùwikkek, thıbcìmra otthombontal eca, mubaw obowkel otro nuìnne enen obarıgıt.
    De ùsrcompıke ùdapnım gù, c'eanabathnen obanwındcı otthoncomp.

    kek-ndcı ù-bını-ne eda-thandı, sro-du-Ø sro-ku-n oba-ıt ù-thın-ı ù-xnim-ne-n ùda-pnım-ı owkıxt odrno-Ø o-

    bont-ı-l eca
    ant ù-wit-kek, thı-bcìm-ra o-tthon-bont-al eca, muba-w oba-nukuwu o-tro nuìr-ne e-ne-n oba-rıgıt
    de ù-osr-compık-e ùda-pnım, ca=eanabath-ne-n oba-nuwı-ndcı o-tthon-comp

    Cednìtıt is a slightly fusional, slightly polysynthetic language that tends to employ a variety of affixes and

    derivational morphology. Combinations of affixes may trigger various allophonic processes that are necessary

    to understand for the purposes of this game.

    The general verbal verbal affix template is as follows:

    All slots are optional except for the agreement prefix and the verbal stem, as indicated by parenthesis.

    Person Agreement Prefixes:
    The following prefixes are attached to the verb to agree with the subject and object, if applicable. Cednitit

    has polypersonal agreement, so fusional prefixes encode information about both the subject and direct object.

    In addition to this, two tenses are also encoded within the agreement prefixes, namely, nonpast and

    past. The full list of prefixes is rather large, so the following consists of only the ones used in the

    ù - second person singular, nonpast
    ed(a) - 1s(NOM) > 3si(ACC), nonpast
    ùd(a) - 2s(NOM) > 3si(ACC), nonpast
    ob(a) - 3si(NOM) > 3si(ACC), nonpast

    Modal Affixes
    -wit- - imperative, indicates command
    -tthon- - potential, denotes ability or potential for something to occur
    -(o)sr- - subjunctive, denotes possible future outcome, but not as certain as the potential form

    Aspect Markers
    -e - propsective, refers to an intention for some event to occur, but not yet begun
    -ı - imperfect, refers to events in progress at time of reference but not yet completed. Triggers

    lenition of final consonant if preceded by a sonorant. plosive>fricative, nasal/sonorant>geminated

    Other Verbal Affixes
    -ne - general abstract nominalizer, describes the act of doing something (verb > noun)
    -ndcı - adverbializer of stative verb, describes the manner in which an action is performed (verb >

    -(a)l - passive voice/makes transitive verbs intransitive
    -ra - describing a method or manner in which an action is performed. For nouns, describes a general

    quality or characteristic of the noun. (verb > noun, noun > noun)

    Nominal Affixes
    thı- - second person singular possessive
    -Ø - Nominative Case (NOM) - denotes the subject of a verb
    -(a)n - Accusative Case (ACC) - denotes the direct object of a verb
    -ı/-w - Oblique Case (OBL) - denotes other objects
    -du - this, current
    -ku - next

    ant - adv - now
    bcìm - n inan - person
    bcìmra - n inan - character, personality
    bont - v tr - change into
    bını - v tr - think, be of the opinion that
    c'eanabathne - n inan - confidence
    comp - v it - something occurs, something happens
    compık - v it - do something, perform a generic action
    de - n inan - today
    e - v it - be new
    eca - n inan - reason, because
    gù - conj - but, however, be contrary
    kek - v it - be cautious
    odrno - n inan - thing, affair
    owkel - v it - be alike, be similar to (noun being compared takes oblique case)
    owkıxt - adv - while
    muba - n inan - water
    nuìr - v it - be old
    nuwı - v it - excluding, only
    pnım - v tr - think about, ponder
    rıgıt - v tr - change in quality (A changes from Xquality(OBL) to Yquality(ACC))
    sro - n inan - day, daytime
    thandı - v tr - know, be aware of
    thın - v it - walk
    tro - v it - be liquid, to flow
    xnim - v it - to work
    ıt - v tr - to become
    English Translation
    I know that you think cautiously, for things change from day to day as you are going along thinking about work.
    So then you must be cautious, because your character will change, flowing as water into a new shape.
    You think about doing something today, but only if you do it confidently will it happen for sure.
  • Batailleur - Veletan
    English Translation
  • Maraxxus - Maxédri
    English Translation
  • Hacek - Vharun
    English Translation
  • Ossicone - Uskra
    Ikas śin ir satikas śinisa sku husan. Um ikiur samatasa na aśi'ai trinukani ir mri sakas tri mrasa. Ira sku arik ak samatasa husan sku. Nai i'arur sku pa kalinur sku ak atikas nai uraiur. Tri mrasa sastas nai amas śinisa upun sku.
    English Translation
    I have the idea that you give your thoughts with care. At the time you change your mind because of a dream that you will not have tonight. And so you can become careful. The youth and the old age, it gives itself to the waves. This night you will do it and your thoughts will become strong.
  • 2-4 - Prai
    Ai trù kā srú á kau átrāsi mau i mau srú.
    Nán airi trù mau tì mái kū sū.
    Rī á aitín pau kau ùtanī.
    Kū irpài ai pau kān á piát.
    Tì mái kū i mau prá srú ai ru mau.
    English Translation
    I have an idea that you carefully give your idea.
    Because you don't have this night in the time.
    And with ability that becomes care.
    The young together with the old are in the wave.
    This night you do in your strong idea.
  • Fanael - haswenö
    English Translation
  • Creyeditor - Tslure Thujekatsoth
    Bi noketsukiwexod mwumathap bi ro muju tshubotshupex klukithutshexod muju shunu nokepopod gu tshlajegek mjonopepopod shjolema muju sletshutshu taxothothod tsheditsutsu pajutshutshug mo.
    Sharutsex gu taxowexod tshubotshupex fona kjaxesim bi.

    bi - proximal demonstrative - this
    noke - verb - to keep, to hold, to posess
    mwumathap - noun - moment, point in time
    ro - postposition - of, from, (genitive)
    muju - coordinating conjunction - for the purpose of
    tshubotshup - noun - idea
    klukithutsh - verb - to give
    shunu - indefinite pronoun - something
    gu - coordinating conjunction - and
    tshlajegek - noun - ability
    mjono - nominal predicate copula - to be (something), to exist
    shjolema - noun - care
    sletshu - noun - child, kid
    taxo - locational predicate copula - to be (somewhere)
    tsheditsu - noun - wave
    pajutshug - noun - old (wo)man, old human
    mo - posposition - with, (comitative)
    sharuts - verb - to work, to do a job
    fona - adjective - big, strong
    kjaxesim - noun - night



    VERBS (stem-SL0-SL1-SL2-SL3-SL4-SL5)
    Verbs have 6 suffix slots. SL0, SL1, SL3, SL4 and SL5 are important for this text.
    Every slot can be empty.
    SL0: if the last syllable of the verb stem is reduplicated*, the subject is in the plural
    SL1: the morphem "-pep-" can indicate the causative
    SL3: the morphem "-tsuki-" can indicate the negation of the verb
    SL4: the morphem "-(p)op-" indicates a first person subject
    the morphem "-(w)ex-" indicates a second person subject
    the morphem "-(th)oth-" indicates a third person subject
    SL5: the morphem "-od" indicates a third person singlar object
    the morphem "-es" indicates a third person plural object

    NOUNS (Noun-SL0-SL1)
    SL0: If the noun is in the plural, the last syllable is reduplicated*
    SL1: If the noun is possesed, the morpheme "-(w)ex" indicates a second person singular possesor.


    SOVX (X means Oblique)
    the subject can be dropped if it's expressed on the verb
    adnominal demonstratives follow the noun
    adnominal and pronominal demonstratives are identical
    adjectives follow the noun

    *Reduplication of the last syllable means that if there is a coda, it is removed before reduplication and inserted at the end of the word thereafter.
    C1-V1-C2-V2-C3 -> C1-V1-C2-V2-C2-V2-C3
    C1-V1-C2-V2 -> C1-V1-C2-V2-C2-V2
    English Translation
  • mich2000 - Tsayam
    English Translation
  • Xing - Nizhmel
    Héncer puzhseq hén nirdennos. Binden tonseq zhir c’erbin zhélmin, har hasteqmin, nahnad k’uzhmin, binden nellan murnér linnom. K’arseq lafseqned tonseq zhir hén k’al habsir ts’elnom.

    héncer - this
    puzh - not have, lack
    hén - this
    nirden - time
    binden - for, so that (conjunction)
    tonseq - 2p.sing
    zhir - idea
    c’er - what, some
    zhél - to bear, to have, to take responsibility for, to manage
    har - and (conjunction)
    has - possibility, ability, power
    nah - child
    k’uzh - take care of
    nel - stand, be, be located
    murnér - old people
    lin - side
    k’ar - work
    laf - stand fast, stand by, be loyal to
    k’al - great, big, large
    habsir - night
    ts’el - path

    -teq - causative

    -nad - and, also

    -bin - PURP
    -nos - ABL
    -nom - LOK

    -min - 1p.sing
    -seq - 2p.sing
    -lan - 3p.plur
    English Translation
    You don't have this anymore, for you give your idea for something I have, and I make it possible, caring for the children, that they stand by the older generation. You work and stand by your idea this great night.
  • Milyamd - Pipeline
    English Translation
  • Omzinesý
    wak’a repsy
    nzanîbdim nôhag, futkŷ lik’gi, c’yl.
    panîrmem ámbug.
    K hac jókat tom-fatky tinyft têhrpi

    [wæk’æ rɪpsɛɪ
    nzani˥ɓɗim nɔ˥χɑɠ, futkæi˥ lik’ɠi tʆ’æil
    pɑnɪ˥rmɛm ɑm˧˥ɓʊɠ
    kχɒtʆ’ ɗʓɔ˧˥k’ɑt tɔm fætkæi timæift tɛχ˥rβɪ]

    Spoiler: hide
    am for, behalf (prep)
    bu say (v)
    c'yl therefore
    dim child (n)
    hac slow (a)
    k' have (v)
    k local preposition
    kat night (n)
    mem old/old person
    noh care (v)
    r do (v)
    tehr work (v)
    tinyft loyal
    tky idea (n)
    tom you
    l of/about

    Grammatical notes:
    - The language is head-final, SOV
    - Don’t care about the tones (the diacritics)
    - Nominal possession is expressed by the tones, but looks like contraposition X of Y -> Y-X
    - Any prepositional phrase can be promoted to indirect object by placing the preposition as a prefix in the verb

    The structure of the verb
    Some participle markers – promoted preposition – perfect marker – root – person suffixes – markers of definite direct or indirect object – some clitics

    The structure of the noun
    Classifier – specifier (an infix inside the classifier) – root

    verbal prefixes:
    Spoiler: hide
    i- – perfect
    wa- - negative participle

    verbal suffixes:
    Spoiler: hide
    (A)g – SG1
    Ep – SG2
    A – definite direct object
    I – definite indirect object
    =Sy – now

    Classifiers: (I recommend not translating these.)
    Spoiler: hide
    Nz_b – human, younger than the speaker, not relative, outcast
    P_r – human, coeval, relative, outcast
    F_ – mental entity
    J_ - time of day

    Spoiler: hide
    a – that/the
    i – this
    o – generic
    u – indefinite
    ani – all
    English Translation
Last edited by nmn on 28 Oct 2012 09:56, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Click »

nmn, I have already said that I'll organise the second conlang relay on Jan 1, 2013 because it takes time to come with new conlangs for relay.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Ossicone »

Why would you need conlangs for the relay?
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by nmn »

2-4 wrote:nmn, I have already said that I'll organise the second conlang relay on Jan 1, 2013 because it takes time to come with new conlangs for relay.
You can always use the one you used in this relay or other ones.
Why would you need conlangs for the relay?
I can't get what you mean - this is only a conlang relay.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Trailsend »

nmn wrote:
Why would you need conlangs for the relay?
I can't get what you mean - this is only a conlang relay.
I think she meant "Why would you need new conlangs for the relay?".

I agree—there's no need to wait for people to come up with completely new languages, since there may be plenty of people who are happy to begin immediately. If we keep the number of participants sufficiently low, we could potentially run a relay starting now, and then start another in January. People who want to create a brand new language could sign up for the later one.

I'm happy to participate now with Feayran, so long as I don't get slotted from November 11-17.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Click »

Okay then.

I'll participate with my :con: Crazian, but put me late in the translation chain because I need to summarise the verb affixes.
Last edited by Click on 27 Sep 2012 22:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by xinda »

I'll try with Cednitit this time.

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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by mich2000 »

I will participate with Tsayam.
Colourless green ideas sleep furiously
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Batailleur »

I would like to participate, with :con: Veletan.
ILR 5 = :eng:
ILR 4 = :rus:
ILR 3 = None
ILR 2 = :fra:
ILR 1 = None
Abandoned = :gla: (Scots), :sqi:, :heb:, :epo:
Current Obsession = ASL
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Click »

Batailleur wrote:I would like to participate.
Which :con: of yours are you going to use?
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Batailleur »

2-4 wrote:
Batailleur wrote:I would like to participate.
Which :con: of yours are you going to use?
ILR 5 = :eng:
ILR 4 = :rus:
ILR 3 = None
ILR 2 = :fra:
ILR 1 = None
Abandoned = :gla: (Scots), :sqi:, :heb:, :epo:
Current Obsession = ASL
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Maraxxus »

Going with Maxédri again!
:nld: :eng: :hun: :fra: :deu:
:con: Maxédri
:con: Faljüdax
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by MrKrov »

I'll skip this one. Not finished revising Pag-buum.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Hacek »

I'll join with Vharun.
[:D] :eng: - [:)] :esp: - [:|] :swe: - [:(] :hun: - [:'(] :hin: - [:S] :ell: :rus: :fra: - :idea: :hye: :sqi: :kal: :zho: :jpn: :gle: :kat:
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Ossicone »

I'll join again with Uskra.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Fanael »

I'll try with hyri haswenö.
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Creyeditor »

If it's still open I would like to participate with Tslure Thujekatsoth. I've never participated in a conlang relay before, so I wouldn't mind if you explain some rules .. :roll: [:$]
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Trailsend »

Creyeditor wrote:If it's still open I would like to participate with Tslure Thujekatsoth. I've never participated in a conlang relay before, so I wouldn't mind if you explain some rules .. :roll: [:$]
The concept is pretty simple—it's just a game of telephone. The first person takes some short text, then translates it into their conlang. Then they pass their translation to the next person, along with just enough information about the language so that they'll be able to translate it into their own conlang. And so on and so forth until you get to the end, and the text is mangled beyond recognition.

There are a few "rules" that are more like etiquette guidelines:

- Pass along just enough information so that the next person can do their translation. Don't include descriptions of grammar rules etc. that don't appear in the text. (Similarly, if a grammar rule has interesting exceptions but none of them actually occur in the text, you don't need to mention them.)

- Do not intentionally make it hard on the next person. Translating out of your conlang and then translating into their own conlang and then writing up a guide for the next person all within the deadline is tricky enough. So don't intentionally obfuscate your explanations "to make it more interesting", and if you have a native script, especially one that for whatever reason is hard to decipher, it's good form to include a transliterated version that the next person can revert to if they can't deal with the script version in time.

- It's okay if, for whatever reason, you realize you can't handle the relay within the timeframe; just let people know that you need a little more time, or if you need more than an extra day or so, just pass the torch on to the next person and ask to be moved to another slot in the lineup when you might have more time. (But don't pull a Trailsend and sit on the torch for inordinate periods of time! I've nearly killed at least one relay this way...)
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Creyeditor »

Thanks a lot [:)]
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Re: CBB Conlang Relay II

Post by Xing »

I'm in with Nizhmel.
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