Conlang Relay VI

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Conlang Relay VI

Post by Fanael »

Let's make a separate thread for CBBCR VI instead of reusing the CBBCR V thread.

The usual rules apply:
  1. 48 hours time limit. It's not a hard limit, but if you take a disproportionate amount of time, I'm going to skip you.
  2. If you want to participate, post the name of the language you're going to use. Or don't.
  3. Send a copy of each torch to me. This copy should include English translation, the one send to the next person for obvious reasons should not.
Results are up.

  • Ear of the Sphinx (Wihəs)
  • xroox (Tynaap)
  • Lao Kou (Géarthnuns)
  • alynnidalar (Tirina)
  • shimobaatar (Project Jade)
  • DesEsseintes (Dánıdoo)
  • cedh (Ronc Tyu)
  • Linguifex
  • kanejam (average lang)
  • Jackk (Chudihr)
  • Serena
  • clawgrip (Himmaswa)
  • loglorn (Proto-Gigxkpoyan)
  • Dezinaa (’iiŋìm)
  • Fanael (Old Arassenian)
  • Creyeditor (Vrlungla)
Last edited by Fanael on 07 Feb 2015 21:04, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Ear of the Sphinx »

Me wants.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Serena »

I'll participate
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by zyma »

I'll give it a shot.
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by DesEsseintes »

I'm in with Dánıdoo.

Will the order of participants be determined randomly?
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Lao Kou »

Fanael wrote:Participants:
  • Lao Kou ?
With Géarthnuns, please.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Dezinaa »

I'll participate with ’iiŋìm.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Creyeditor »

Yeah [:)]
I'm in with Vrlungla
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by kanejam »

I'm keen [:)] probably with my average lang but I reserve the right to change to Ketzumin. Maybe if we get enough people we could have multiple rings?
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by zyma »

shimobaatar wrote:I'll give it a shot.
I posted this too soon, before I had all of my information down. [:S] And then I got distracted.

None of my conlangs are really that developed, but my best chance at the moment is probably going with Project Jade. I hope I can do the time limit.

Also, I've never done one of these before, so I just want to make sure that these are the correct rules and such?

TL;DR - I'd like to participate with Project Jade.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Creyeditor »

Here are some rule descriptions in a forum specific manner [;)]
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by DesEsseintes »

I've just been reading through the second CBB Relay thread and it strikes how much more emotional people were there than in later relays. Perhaps I'm reading too much into people's comments, but there seems to have been a lot more impatience and anticipation than in later relays. Perhaps people were more excited about the whole thing as the forum was young?

It makes me feel nonsensically nostalgic for the "golden age" of the CBB that must have existed before I joined.

It's the same feeling I get when reading about literally any time period in history other than my own. What amazing lives people in those days must have lived...!

Except I do realise these feelings are illogical, and that things were just as ordinary before I came along... I'm still pretty excited about the relay though!
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by xroox »

I want to participate with Tynaap :D
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by DesEsseintes »

kanejam wrote:Maybe if we get enough people we could have multiple rings?

How does that work? The text goes back to the front after the last participant is done with it and then gets translated through all the languages again? Won't people be influenced by what they thought the text meant before? (Although I guess that doesn't matter...) Sounds like fun. There is the further incentive that one could try to get another lang up to scratch before the text comes round again, and one would have a rough idea of the vocab and grammatical structures needed. Hmm, this sounds better by the minute. Would others be interested in doing this?
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Lao Kou »

DesEsseintes wrote:
kanejam wrote:Maybe if we get enough people we could have multiple rings?
How does that work? The text goes back to the front after the last participant is done with it and then gets translated through all the languages again? Won't people be influenced by what they thought the text meant before?
I think it means if enough people sign up, instead of one mongo-ring of, say, forty people (which would be finished, with starts, stalls, and stops, 'round about Bastille Day), it would be broken into two rings of twenty or three rings of thirteen+, running concurrently and yielding two or three different end results for threefold hilarity.
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by DesEsseintes »

Lao Kou wrote:
DesEsseintes wrote:
kanejam wrote:Maybe if we get enough people we could have multiple rings?
How does that work? The text goes back to the front after the last participant is done with it and then gets translated through all the languages again? Won't people be influenced by what they thought the text meant before?
I think it means if enough people sign up, instead of one mongo-ring of, say, forty people (which would be finished, with starts, stalls, and stops, 'round about Bastille Day), it would be broken into two rings of twenty or three rings of thirteen+, running concurrently and yielding two or three different end results for threefold hilarity.
Oh. *hangs head in disappointment*
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by Fanael »

DesEsseintes wrote:Will the order of participants be determined randomly?
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by fivecountwings »

*sighs* I wish I had developed a conlang enough to participate...This should be fun to follow though!
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by fivecountwings »

*sighs* I wish I had developed a conlang enough to participate...This should be fun to follow though!
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Re: Conlang Relay VI

Post by elemtilas »

fivecountwings wrote:*sighs* I wish I had developed a conlang enough to participate...This should be fun to follow though!
Actually, you've just given voice to the very best excuse for participating in a conlang relay of all! Since no one knows what the text will be, no one really knows whether they have devised their language sufficiently or not to make the job easy. For example, even if you have a detailed phonology and a hundred page reference grammar with all nice little paragraph numbers and a solid grasp of syntax and a 5000 word lexicon: but the text comes through to you as a bawdy limerick -- so, what do you do if you've never even considered how this language (and the culture that uses it!) does poetry? Bawdy poetry? Time to get to work!

Even an advanced conlanger will almost always have to come up with sòmething novel for a translation relay, so you'd be in the same boat as everyone else!
DesEsseintes wrote:I've just been reading through the second CBB Relay thread and it strikes how much more emotional people were there than in later relays. Perhaps I'm reading too much into people's comments, but there seems to have been a lot more impatience and anticipation than in later relays. Perhaps people were more excited about the whole thing as the forum was young? It makes me feel nonsensically nostalgic for the "golden age" of the CBB that must have existed before I joined.
I participated in the very first Conlang relay, which must have been in 1998 or thereabouts, and perhaps a dozen since (I think they must be up to about 24 by now, not including the Reverse Relays and the Script Relay(s)). I think there's something to be said about the excitement of participating in something new, whether it's a new forum or just an idea that's new to an existing forum. By now the very concept of the conlang relay is kind of old hat -- a familiar and cosy old beater, to be sure! -- but I still think they're pretty exciting. If for no other reason than that we get to see the hilarious results at the end, and it's always neat when the conlangers are also conculturers, so we get to witness cross cultural contamination at first hand.

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