Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread [2011–2018]

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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Birdlang »

I'm back guys!
New protolang incoming
Proto-Mpuic or P:uu/Pʰū
p p’ t t’ k k’ q q’ ʔ ʡ which can be aspirated
m n ɲ ŋ ɴ
f s x ʃ χ ħ ʜ
w l r ɰ j ʁ ʀ ʕ ʢ
a e ɛ i o ɔ ø u y ʊ ɯ ʉ æ ɜ ɞ which can be long or short
p pp t tt k kk q qq ^ ‘ (last two adopted from Amis) plus :
m n ny ng nq
f s h sh x hh qh
w l r v y rh rz c cq
a e è i o ò õ u ü ù ī ū ā ē ō plus double for long
Consonants with diacritics option
p p̄ t t̠ k k̠ q ƣ ɂ ȝ plus ʰ
m n ñ ŋ ƞ
f s h š ḫ ḧ x
ŭ l r ĭ j ř ȼ c
a e ė i o ȯ w u y u̇ ï ü ä ë ö plus macron for long
Ejective consonants become prenasalized voiced consonants
Vowel system simplifies and diphthongs and new vowels come about
Length in vowels disappears to make way for diphthongs
Epiglottals dissapeared
Aspirated stops became voiced unaspirated in between 2 vowels
Uvulars become velar
Nasal plus consonant clusters (the protolanguage was (C)CVC(C) become prenazalized voiceless stops
Consonant clusters simplify, some become affricates or new consonants and consonant clusters at end of words drop and become tonal plus ending in a final consonant and if ending in a single consonant, becomes a CV word with a tone
New phonology
Old Mpuic
m n ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋ̊ m n ņ ñ ŋ ŋh
p pʰ ᵐp b bʱ ᵐb p ph mp b bh mb
t tʰ nt d dʱ nd t th nt d dh nd
ʈ ʈʰ ᶯʈ ɖ ɖʱ ᶯɖ ţ ţh ņţ ḑ ḑh ņḑ
k kʰ ᵑk g gʱ ᵑg k kh ŋk g gh ŋg
c cʰ ᶮc ɟ ɟʱ ᶮɟ c ch ñc j jh ñj
ʔ ʔʲ ‘ ‘ʸ
f v s z ç ʝ ɕ ʑ ʃ ʒ ʂ ʂʰ ʐ x ɣ h ɦ ħ ʕ f v s z ś ź śy źy š ž ş şh ȥ x ġ h ɦ ḥ ʿ
ʋ l ɭ j ʎ ʟ ɰ w ʔ̞ v l ļ y ƚ ɫ ğ w ʾ
ɾ ɽ r ɽr r ŗ rr ŕ
ɬ ɮ ł ƛ
ts tsʰ dz dzʱ ʧ ʧʰ ʤ ʤʱ ʈʂ ʈʂʰ ɖʐ ɖʐʱ cç cçʰ ɟʝ ɟʝʱ kx kxʰ gɣ gɣʱ ts tsh dz dzh č čh ǰ ǰh ç çh ȷ ȷh c ch j jh q qh ǥ ǥh
i y ɨ ɯ u i ü î ï u
ʊ û
e ø ɘ ɵ ɤ o é ö ê ô ë o
ɛ ɜ ʌ ɔ è e ę ò
æ ä
a ɑ ɒ a å â
à ā á â ǎ a à á ả ạ
Nasal vowels are marked aň
Middle is the same without the prenasalized stops which changed into stop plus nasal vowel
Modern languages went through so many changes
Here are some
Mpuic family
Ngecori (Southern Mpu) or Pu
m n ŋ m n ng
p pˀ b t tˀ d k kˀ g ʔ b p bb d t dd g k gg c
s z zˁ s ss ŝ
ɸ β θ ð ðˁ ħ ʕ h f ff v vv v̂ ĥ ĝ h
w l j w l y
r ʀ r ȳ
ts tsˀ dz z c zz
tɬˀ ƛ̓
i y u i y u
ʊ̈ ũ
e ø o e ø o
ɛ ɔ æ å
ä a
Standard or Northern Mpu
Č̓avumeri or P̓u
m mˀ n nˀ ŋ ŋˀ m m̓ n n̓ ŋ ŋ̓
p p’ t t’ k k’ q q’ p p̓ t t̓ k k̓ q q̓
ʦ ʦ' ʧ ʧ' c c̓ č č̓
s ʃ s š
f θ x χ f ϑ x x̌
j ʔʲ w ʔʷ y y̓ w w̓
tɬʼ ƛ̓
a i u aː iː uː a· i· u·
Eastern Mpu
Kwòmsën or Pwu
m n ŋm m n mw
p kp t tʷ k kʷ p pw t tw k kw
f s ç f s ś
ɽ r
j w l y w l
i ʉ ɯ u e ɵ ɤ o ɛ ɞ ʌ ɔ a ɒ̈ ɑ ɒ i ü ï u e ö ë o è ȍ ȅ ò a ä à ȁ
à ā á â̰ ã̂ a a̱ ā ă a̤
Central Mpu
Kñatswâr or Pmu
m n ɲ m n ñ
p t ts k p t ts k
f z x ʕ f z x ƹ
l ɮ j̊ ɥ ɰ r ʢ l ⱡ j y w r ʒ
ʎ̆ t̆
i y ɨ ɯ i u ï ü
e ø ɘ ɤ é ö e o
ɛ œ ɜ ʌ è ō ē ò
a ɶ ä ɑ a ä å ā
Long vowels are marked with doubling
Nasal vowels are marked with a circumflex
Western Mpu
Ṭomen or Pu
m n ɳ ɲ̙̊ ŋ ɴ m n ṇ ñ ŋ ņ
p t ʈ k c̟ q p t ṭ k c q
f s ʂ ç̙ x χ f s ṣ y x h
ʋ l ɭ ʀ ʀ̟ ʀ̙ ʀ̘̃ʱ ɥ v l r g rr kg y
r rh
i y ʉ e ɵ ɛ ɔ ɑ ɒ i y u e ö ä o a å
A language with a relatively normal phonology
/m n ŋ ɲ/ m n ŋ ň
/p b t d k g ʔ/ p b t d k g ɂ
/ʦ ʣ ʧ ʤ/ c dz č dž
/f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ɣ ħ ɦ/ f v ť ď s z š ž ǧ ȟ h
/ɾ ɹ r l ɺ j ʝ ɰ ʍ w/ r ŗ ř l ľ j ǰ ẁ ŵ w
/i ɨ u e o ɑ/ i y u e o a
That orthography is inspired by Slavic.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Porphyrogenitos »

A thing:

/m n̪ ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ m n rn ny ṅ ṅw
/p t̪ ʈ c k kʷ ʔ/ p t rt ty k kw h
/b d̪ ɖ ɟ g gʷ/ b d rd dy g gw
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by k1234567890y »

/m n ɲ ŋ ŋ͡m/
/p b ɓ t d ɗ c ɟ k g k͡p g͡b/
/s h/
/r l j w/

/æ e i o u ɑ ɛ ɔ/
/ɑ̃ ɛ̃ ĩ ũ/

tones: low mid high

syllable structure: (C)(R)V, R = /r l j w/
Porphyrogenitos wrote: 08 Apr 2018 01:02 A thing:

/m n̪ ɳ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ m n rn ny ṅ ṅw
/p t̪ ʈ c k kʷ ʔ/ p t rt ty k kw h
/b d̪ ɖ ɟ g gʷ/ b d rd dy g gw
nice (:

still thinking of other parts?
I prefer to not be referred to with masculine pronouns and nouns such as “he/him/his”.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Void »

I've decided to use the following as my proto-conlang phonology:

/m n ŋ/
/mʲ nʲ ŋʲ/
/ŋˤ/ (= [ɴ])
/p t k pʲ tʲ kʲ pˤ tˤ kˤ/ (/kʲ kˤ/ = [c q])
/θ s ʃ x θʲ sʲ ʃʲ xʲ θˤ sˤ ʃˤ xˤ/ (/ʃʲ ʃˤ xʲ xˤ/ = [ɕ ʂ ç X])
/w j/
/l r lʲ rʲ lˤ rˤ/ ([lʲ lˤ] = [ʎ ɫ])

Basic five vowel (/a e i o u/) system with an additional neutral (/ə/) vowel.

Would this system make sense in a natlang?
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by k1234567890y »

Personally, I think yes.
I prefer to not be referred to with masculine pronouns and nouns such as “he/him/his”.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by k1234567890y »

another idea:

/m n ŋ/
/p t k/
/s h/
/w r l j/

/a ə (i) (u)/

syllable structure: (C)V(C)

note: /ə/ is used as epenthetic vowel; /i/ and /u/ are underlyingly /aj/ and /aw/, and they are also used in epenthesis too.
I prefer to not be referred to with masculine pronouns and nouns such as “he/him/his”.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Omzinesý »

i ɨ u
e ə o
æ ɑ

/ə/ is a bit more back and /ɑ/ a bit more front, so that /ɨ ə ɑ/ form some kind of a line of non-front illabial vowels.

Written in Cyrillic:

<и ы у
е ъ о
я а>

Front vowels always cause palatalization of the preceding consonant. Dorsals vac also be palatalized before other vowels. Then the vowels are written:

<и ьы ю
е ьъ ьо
я ьа>

/p t tʲ k
β ð ðʲ ɣ
m n nʲ
l lʲ r rʲ
t͡s t͡sʲ t͡ʃ t͡ɕ
s sʲ ʃ ɕ
z zʲ ʒ ʑ

/p t tʲ k
β ð ðʲ ɣ
m n н
l r
t͡s t͡sʲ t͡ʃ t͡ɕ
s sʲ ʃ ɕ
z zʲ ʒ ʑ/

<п т т(ь) к
в д д(ь) г
м н н(ь)
л л(ь) р р(ь)
ц ц(ь) ч ч(ь)
с с(ь) ш ш(ь)
з з(ь) ж ж(ь)
й (оr a platalizing vowel) >
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Vlürch »

/n ŋ/
/t͉ʲ k͉ʲ/
/t͈ʲ k͈ʲ/
/θ j x ɣ h/

/a ɛ œ i ʌ ɔ u/

Some kind of consonant and vowel harmony:
The strongly articulated consonants can occur only in syllables with /a œ i ɔ u/.
The weakly articulated consonants can occur only in syllables with /a ɛ i ʌ u/.
The velarised consonants can occur only in syllables with /a ʌ ɔ u/.
The palatalised consonants can occur only in syllables with /a ɛ œ i/.

Random gibberish example words:
/ʪ͈ˠœŋk͉ʲɛɺˠʌ/ [ʪ͈ˠœ̃ŋk͉ʲɛɺ̪ˠʌ]
/ʪ͉ˠɛŋk͈ʲœɾʲɛ/ [ʪ͉ˠɛ̃ŋk͈ʲœɾ̠ʲɛ]
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Porphyrogenitos »

A silly thing, but:

If there was a language whose vowels corresponded exactly to the names of the English vowel letters, which English dialect would produce the most typologically plausible vowel system? You may optionally include the name of the letter Y.

General American produces something almost plausible, but without any equivalent of /a/. Also only one monophthong:

/eɪ̯ i aɪ̯ oʊ̯ i̯u (u̯ai̯)/

Southern American English provides an /a/, but no wholly back vowels, and again only one monophthong:

/ɛɪ̯ ɪi̯ aː əʊ̯ i̯ʉ (u̯aː)/
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by DV82LECM »

It isn't silly, I think, as it does appear as those would, likely, be too unstable to ever last long, in the first place.

For the first, degeneration into: /e i æ~a o y/.
And the second, degeneration into: /ɛ ɪ ɑ ɵ y~ʏ/

But I am a purist, so the first.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Parlox »

The phoneme inventory of my welsh-arabic inspired conlang, Oddúhath Claire.

/m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ/ mh m nh n-nn ngh ng
/p b pˤ bˤ t d tˤ dˤ k g kˤ gˤ q/ p b ph bh t d tt dh g-c gh gg ggh k
/s sˤ ʃ ʃˤ/ s z sh zh
/w f v fˤ vˤ θ ð θˤ ðˤ r̥ r j x ɣ h/ wh f v fh vh th dd tth ddh rh r y ch gc h
/l ll/ l ll

/ɪ iː ʊ uː/ i í u ú (/i/ is written <y> in unambiguous places)
/ɛ eː ə əː ɔ oː/ e é w wy o ó
/a ɑː/ a á
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by DesEsseintes »

Rearranging the Sōkoan consonant inventory this morning yielded this:

Code: Select all

nasal     m   n           ŋ
plain     p   t   t͡s  t͡ʂ  k
voiced    b   d   d͡z  d͡ʐ  g
aspirate  ɸ   tʰ  t͡sʰ t͡ʂʰ h~x
sibilant          s   ʂ
lenited   β   ɾ           ɣ
glide               j
This is fun for several reasons:
- the fricatives /ɸ h/ now pattern with the aspirated affricates and not with the sibilants. This gives me an excuse to have them realised as aspirated affricates too but only when geminate. I never liked the idea of p͡ɸ k͡x word-initially but it’s nice to retain this feature which has been part of Sōkoan since its inception so yay!
- Proto-Sōkoan must have had a three-way contrast I’m stops at all PoAs so I can play with that.
- something else but I forgot what it was
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by zyma »

DesEsseintes wrote: 21 Apr 2018 07:17 - the fricatives /ɸ h/ now pattern with the aspirated affricates and not with the sibilants. This gives me an excuse to have them realised as aspirated affricates too but only when geminate.
That's fun!
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Parlox »

/m mʲ m̥ m̥ʲ n̺ n̻ n̺ʲ n̻ʲ n̺̊ n̻̊ n̺̊ʲ n̻̊ʲ ɳ̺ ɳ̻ ɳ̺ʲ ɳ̻ʲ ɳ̺̊ ɳ̻̊ ɳ̺̊ʲ ɳ̻̊ʲ ŋ ŋʲ ŋ̊ ŋ̊ʲ/ m my mh mhy n n' ny ny' nn nn' nny nny' rn rn' rny rny' ng ngy ngh nghy
/p pʲ b bʲ t̺ t̻ t̺ʲ t̻ʲ d̺ d̻ d̺ʲ d̻ʲ ʈ̺ ʈ̻ ʈ̺ʲ ʈ̻ʲ ɖ̺ ɖ̻ ɖ̺ʲ ɖ̻ʲ kʲ g gʲ/ p py b by t t' ty ty' d d' dy dy' rt rt' rty rty' rd rd' rdy rdy' k ky g gy
/s̺ s̻ s̺ʲ s̻ʲ z̺ z̻ z̺ʲ z̻ʲ/ s s' sy sy' z z' zy zy'
/f fʲ r̺ r̻ x xʲ/ f fy r r' x xy
/l/ l
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Frislander »

/t~θ k~x ʔ/
/b~v d~l d͡ʒ~j g~ɣ/
/f ʃ h/
/m n/

/i e a o/

The oral plosives are lenited when single intervocalic and when in the coda, but not when geminated.

Syllable structure is CV(C), where any consonant may appear in the coda.

There's some morphophonological processes. Firstly plosives + h > single stop (with fricative realistion), while stop + ʔ > geminate stop. Secondly fricative + h > geminate fricative while fricative + ʔ > ʔ + fricative. Finally nasals + glottal consonant > glottal consonant + nasal.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by pbastronaut »

I'm trying something out. I'm restarting an old personal language, renamed to Nottwy, from scratch, and starting with a better phonology.

/m, n, ŋ/
/p, b, t, d, k, g/
/ɸ, β. θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, x, ɣ, ħ/
/t̪θ, d̪ð, t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ/
/ɹ, j, w, ɥ/

/i, ɯ, u/
/e, ɤ, o/
/ɛ, ʌ, ɔ/
/a, ɑ, ɒ/

I'm not crazy about /ʃ, ʒ/, and might make them allophones of /s, z/. I'm keen to focus greatly on unrounded back vowels -- my favourite category of vowels.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by k1234567890y »

nasals: /m mˠ mʲ nˠ nʲ nʷ ŋ ŋʲ ŋʷ/
plosives: /p ɓ pˠ ɓˠ pʲ ɓʲ tˠ tˠʼ tʲ tʲʼ tʷ tʷʼ k kʼ kʲ kʲʼ kʷ kʷʼ/
resonants: /w rˠ rʲ rʷ lˠ lʲ lʷ j ɰ/

vowels: /a ə ɨ/, with a great variety of allophones

syllable: (C)V(C), all words end with a consonant in the underlying form.

note: velar consonants are inherently velarized; labial consonants are inherently labialized; /j/ is inherently palatalized

allophones of vowels:

underlying: /a ə ɨ/

Cˠ_Cˠ : /ɑ: ʌ: ɯ:/
Cˠ_Cʲ : /ɑi ʌi ɯi/
Cˠ_Cʷ : /ɑu ʌu ɯu/

Cʲ_Cˠ : /ɛ e i/
Cʲ_Cʲ : /ɛ: e: i:/
Cʲ_Cʷ : /ɶ: ø: y:/

Cʷ_Cˠ : /ɔ o u/
Cʷ_Cʲ : /ɶ ø y/
Cʷ_Cʷ : /ɔ: o: u:/
I prefer to not be referred to with masculine pronouns and nouns such as “he/him/his”.
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by DesEsseintes »

k1234567890y wrote: 26 Apr 2018 17:26 nasals: /m mˠ mʲ nˠ nʲ nʷ ŋ ŋʲ ŋʷ/
plosives: /p ɓ pˠ ɓˠ pʲ ɓʲ tˠ tˠʼ tʲ tʲʼ tʷ tʷʼ k kʼ kʲ kʲʼ kʷ kʷʼ/
resonants: /w rˠ rʲ rʷ lˠ lʲ lʷ j ɰ/

vowels: /a ə ɨ/, with a great variety of allophones

syllable: (C)V(C), all words end with a consonant in the underlying form.

note: velar consonants are inherently velarized; labial consonants are inherently labialized; /j/ is inherently palatalized

allophones of vowels:

underlying: /a ə ɨ/

Cˠ_Cˠ : /ɑ: ʌ: ɯ:/
Cˠ_Cʲ : /ɑi ʌi ɯi/
Cˠ_Cʷ : /ɑu ʌu ɯu/

Cʲ_Cˠ : /ɛ e i/
Cʲ_Cʲ : /ɛ: e: i:/
Cʲ_Cʷ : /ɶ: ø: y:/

Cʷ_Cˠ : /ɔ o u/
Cʷ_Cʲ : /ɶ ø y/
Cʷ_Cʷ : /ɔ: o: u:/
Lovely! Now give it triconsonantal roots for the win. [:D]
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by k1234567890y »

DesEsseintes wrote: 27 Apr 2018 03:45
k1234567890y wrote: 26 Apr 2018 17:26 nasals: /m mˠ mʲ nˠ nʲ nʷ ŋ ŋʲ ŋʷ/
plosives: /p ɓ pˠ ɓˠ pʲ ɓʲ tˠ tˠʼ tʲ tʲʼ tʷ tʷʼ k kʼ kʲ kʲʼ kʷ kʷʼ/
resonants: /w rˠ rʲ rʷ lˠ lʲ lʷ j ɰ/

vowels: /a ə ɨ/, with a great variety of allophones

syllable: (C)V(C), all words end with a consonant in the underlying form.

note: velar consonants are inherently velarized; labial consonants are inherently labialized; /j/ is inherently palatalized

allophones of vowels:

underlying: /a ə ɨ/

Cˠ_Cˠ : /ɑ: ʌ: ɯ:/
Cˠ_Cʲ : /ɑi ʌi ɯi/
Cˠ_Cʷ : /ɑu ʌu ɯu/

Cʲ_Cˠ : /ɛ e i/
Cʲ_Cʲ : /ɛ: e: i:/
Cʲ_Cʷ : /ɶ: ø: y:/

Cʷ_Cˠ : /ɔ o u/
Cʷ_Cʲ : /ɶ ø y/
Cʷ_Cʷ : /ɔ: o: u:/
Lovely! Now give it triconsonantal roots for the win. [:D]
uncertain lol
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Re: Random phonology/phonemic inventory thread

Post by Frislander »

/p pʲ t t͡ʃ k ʔ/
/m mʲ n ɲ ŋ/
/β βʲ ɾ j ɣ/

/e~ə o/

Central vowels are fronted adjacent to palatal consonants.

Syllable structure is CV(ʔ).