The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Sangfroidish »

1. Pítër ynge ei onco.
[ˈpiː.dər ˈyŋ.ɜ ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ]
Peter open ART.DEF.IN door-ACC

Peter opens the door.

2/3. Thé ynge ei onco.
[θɛː ˈyŋ.ɜ ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ]
null.argument open ART.DEF.IN door

The door opens/is opened lit. "sth/sb opens the door"

4. Ei onco ynge Pítër.
[ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ ˈyŋ.ɜ ˈpiː.dər]
ART.DEF.IN door-ACC open Peter

The door is opened by Peter.

5. Ei onc ynge che.
[ɛj ˈɔn̥k ˈyŋ.ɜ xɛ]
ART.DEF.IN door open REFL

The door opens itself.

6. Sgon Pítëre ynge ei onco.
[ʐɔn ˈpiː.dər.ɜ ˈyŋ.ɜ ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ]
John Peter-ABL open ART.DEF.IN door-ACC

Peter has John open the door lit. "John opens the door from Peter"

7. Pítër ynge thó.
[ˈpiː.dər ˈyŋ.ɜ θɔː]
Peter open null.argument-ACC

Peter opens (sth.)

8. Ei chueg ynge ei onco.
[ɛj xwɛɣ ˈyŋ.ɜ ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ]
ART.DEF.IN key open ART.DEF.IN door-ACC

The key opens the door.

9. Pítër ynge chuegä ei onco.
[ˈpiː.dər ˈyŋ.ɜ ˈxwɛɣ.æ ɛj ˈɔn̥k.ɒ]
Peter open key-INS ART.DEF.IN door-ACC

Peter opened the door with the key.

10. Ei chueg ynge thó.
[ɛj xwɛɣ ˈyŋ.ɜ θɔː]
ART.DEF.IN key open null.argument-ACC

The key opened (sth.)

11. Pítër ynge chuegä thó.
[ˈpiː.dər ˈyŋ.ɜ ˈxwɛɣ.æ θɔː]
Peter open key-INS null.argument-ACC

Peter opens (sth.) with the key.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by nzk13 »

:con: Dimath

1: Petus pashax dalin.
[pɛˈtus paˈʃaχ daˈlin]
petus pa-shax dal-in
Peter PST-open door-ACC

2: Dal panashax.
[dal panaˈʃaχ]
dal pa-na-shax
door PST-PASS-open

("shax" is a purely transitive verb, so this sentence is identical with number 3)

4: Dal panashax Petusab.
[dal panaˈʃaχ pɛtuˈsab]
dal pa-na-shax petos-ab
door PST-PASS-open Peter-INST

5: Dal pashax esemin axas.
[dal paˈʃaχ ɛsɛˈmin aˈχas]
dal pa-shax esem-in ax-as
door PST-open self-ACC 3SG-GEN

6: Petus pashishax Yuhananin dalel.
[pɛˈtus paʃiˈʃaχ juhanaˈnin daˈlɛl]
petus pa-shi-shax yuhanan-in dal-el
Peter PST-CAUS-open John-ACC door-DAT

7: Petus pashax.
[pɛˈtus paˈʃaχ]
petus pa-shax
Peter PST-open
Last edited by nzk13 on 28 Aug 2013 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
Skribajon mean vi esas lektant, kar amiki.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Andlat »

Tleen Ywxaataank
1) Peter haardaa-dze aatl xahaat.
2) Aatl xahaat haardaa-dze.
3) Aatl xahaat haardaa-dzen.
4) Aatl xahaat haardaa-dzen choo Peter.
5) Aatl xahaat haardaa-dze kekdzw.
6) Peter laayekee-dze John aatl xahaat haardaan.
7) Peter haardaa-dze... gwaash.

1) Peter open.PAST DEF door.
2) DEF door open.PAST
3) DEF door open.PAST.PASS
4) DEF door open.PAST by Peter.
5) DEF door open.PAST itself
6) Peter make.PAST John DEF door open.INF
7) Peter open.PAST… something.

To be perfectly fair, Peter in T.Y. would be something like Geeter and John would be Dzaan.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Chagen »

Only doing the original seven:


Piter byr çurav ibi zonis joźi.
peter DEF door GOAL be.PST-PTCPL open

Byr çurav zonis jøźipro.
DEF door be.PST-PTCPL open.MID

Byr çurav gam joźibhar.
DEF door be.PST.PASS open-PASS

Byr çurav gam avi Piter joźibhar
DEF door be.PST.PASS from peter open-PASS

Byr çurav zonis jøźipro.
DEF door be.PST-PTCPL open.MID

Byr çurav joźibhi, Piter Źian ibi teg zen zonis dym.
DEF door open-INFIN, peter john GOAL that DESI be.PST-PTCPL CAUS
lit. "opening the door, Peter made John do that"

Final one isn't possible at all. It would make no sense.
Nūdenku waga honji ma naku honyasi ne ika-ika ichamase!
female-appearance=despite boy-voice=PAT hold boy-youth=TOP very be.cute-3PL
Honyasi zō honyasi ma naidasu.
boy-youth=AGT boy-youth=PAT love.romantically-3S
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Alessio »

:ita: Italiano

1. Pietro ha aperto la porta. → Active voice
/'pjεtro a a'pεrto la 'pɔrta/
Peter have.3SG open.PASTPART DET.FS door
Peter opened the door.

2. La porta si è aperta. → Anticausative voice
/la 'pɔrta si ε a'pεrta/
The door opened.

3. La porta è stata aperta. → Passive voice without explicit agent
/la 'pɔrta ε 'stata a'pεrta/
The door was opened.

4. La porta è stata aperta da Pietro. → Passive voice with explicit agent
/la 'pɔrta ε 'stata a'pεrta da 'pjεtro/
DET.FS door be.3SG be.PASTPART open.PASTPART by Peter
The door was opened by Peter.

5. La porta si è aperta (da sola). → Reflexive voice
/la 'pɔrta si ε a'pεrta da 'soːla/
DET.FS door REFL be.3SG open.PASTPART by oneself.F
The door opened itself.

6. Pietro ha fatto aprire la porta a Giovanni. → Is this even a particular voice?
/'pjεtro a 'fatto a'priːre la 'pɔrta a dʒo'vanni/
Peter have.3SG make.PASTPART open DET.FS door to John
Peter made John open the door.

7. Pietro ha aperto (qualcosa). (it just can't stand there alone!) → Active voice without direct object
/'pjεtro a a'pεrto kwal'kɔːza/
Peter have.3SG open.PASTPART something
Peter opened (something).
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by mbrsart »

:con: Hra'anh
  1. Pítarek e kékhla batéha.
    [pitɑɾɛk ɛ kɛxlɑ bɑtɛhɑ]
    Peter-ERG DEF door-ABS open-PST
  2. Batéha e kékhla.
    [bɑtɛhɑ ɛ kɛxlɑ]
    close.ACAUS-PST DEF door-ABS
  3. Batéha e kékhla.
    close.PASS-PST DEF door-ABS
  4. Batéha e kékhla ke Pítar.
    close.PASS-PST DEF door-ABS OBL.PASS Peter
  5. Two ways, the second of which is a grammatical but highly marked:
    1. Me'é e kékhlak batéha.
      [mɛʔɛ ɛ kɛxlɑk bɑtɛhɑ]
      REFL DEF door-ERG close-PST
    2. E kékhlak batéha.
      DEF door-ERG close-PST
  6. Iónek e kékhla batéha ke Pítar.
    [jonɛk ɛ kɛxlɑ bɑtɛhɑ kɛ pitɑɾ]
    John-ERG DEF door-ABS close-PST CAUS Peter
  7. Pítar batéha.
    Peter close.ANTP-PST
:con: Hra'anh | :eng: [:D] | :esp: [:)] | :grc: [:|] | :heb: [:|] | :epo: [:S] | :deu: [:S] | :ita: [:S] | :bra: [:'(] | :fra: [:'(]
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Dezinaa »

Xing wrote:1) Peter opened the door.
2) The door opened.
3) The door was opened.
4) The door was opened by Peter
5) The door opened itself.
6) Peter made John open the door.
EDIT: 7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)

1) Pita numpa-twa sai hugu.
/pitɑ numpɑtɰɑ ʃaɪ xugu/
Peter open-PST DEF door

2 and 3) Sai hugu numpa-twa loi.
/ʃaɪ xugu numpɑtɰɑ loʏ/
DEF door open-PST ERG

4)Sai hugu numpa-twa loi Pita.
/ʃaɪ xugu numpɑtɰɑ loʏ pitɑ/
DEF door open-PST ERG Peter

5)Sai hugu numpa-twa mua.
/ʃaɪ xugu numpɑtɰɑ mu.ɑ/
DEF door open-PST REFL

6) I might do this one later.

7) Pita numpa-twa.
/pitɑ numpɑtɰɑ/
Peter open-PST
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by prettydragoon »

:con: Rireinutire

1) Peter opened the door.
Pita ovemu ovakive:
Pita.NOM door-ACC open-PST-HSY

2) The door opened.
ove ovatukive:
door.NOM open-REFL-PST-HSY

3) The door was opened.
ovemu ovakive:
door-ACC open-PST-HSY

4) The door was opened by Peter
unmarked: same as 1)
marked, emphasis on Pita:
ovemu ovakive Pita:
door-ACC open-PST-HSY Pita.NOM

5) The door opened itself.
ove hunomu ovakive:
door.NOM ones.own-ACC open-PST-HSY

6) Peter made John open the door.
Pita Sonoña ovemu ovatakive:
Pita.NOM Sono-COM door-ACC open-CAUS-PST-HSY

7) Peter opened. (It is technically correct, but it looks odd without an object.)
Pita ovakive:
Pita.NOM open-PST-HSY
Pita opened something.
Pita mikimu ovakive:
Pita.NOM something-ACC open-PST-HSY
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Santophrin »

:tur: Turkish

Peter kapı-yı aç-tı.
Peter door-DEF.ACC open-PAST
Peter opened the door.

Kapı aç-ıl-dı.
door open-PAS-PAST
The door opened.

Kapı aç-ıl-dı.
door open-PAS-PAST
The door was opened.

Kapı Peter taraf-ı-ndan aç-ıl-dı.

door Peter involvement-DEF-ABL open-PAS-PAST
The door was opened by Peter.

Kapı (kendi kendi -ne) aç-ıl-dı.
door (self self-DAT) open-PAS-PAST
The door opened by itself.

Peter John'a kapı-yı aç-tır-dı.

Peter John-DAT door-DEF.ACC open-CAUS-PAST
Peter made John open the door.

John aç-tı.
John open-PAST
John opened.

Edit: The Glossing was totally messed up, I fixed is as best as I could.
Last edited by Santophrin on 30 Dec 2013 18:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Omzinesý »


1) Peter opened the door.
Petero hähwompe vïkiczo.
Peter-o hähuom-SGe v<ï>kiz-o

2) The door opened.
Hähuoma väkizo.
hähuom-a v<ä>kiz-o

3) The door was opened.
Hähuoma vïkizümo.
hähuom-a v<ï>kiz-üm-o

4) The door was opened by Peter
Hähuoma vïkizümo, petero vco.
hähuom-a v<ï>kiz-üm-o peter-o vc-o

5) The door opened itself.
Hähuoma vïklizümo.
hähuom-a v<ï>k<l>iz-üm-o

6) Peter made John open the door.
Petero vco Zono hähwompe vïkizo.
Peter-o vc-o Zon-o hähuom-SGe v<ï>kiz-o.
Peter-SPEC.ERG causeV-AOR John-SPEC.ERG door-SPEC.ACC <TR.V>-open-AOR

7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Petera vïklizo.
peter-a <ï><l>kiz-o
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Shrdlu »

1) Peter opened the door.
Peter öppnade dörren
Peter open-past door-the

2) The door opened.
Dörren öppnades
door-the open-past_passive

3) The door was opened.
Dörren blev öppnad.
door-the became open-presens

4) The door was opened by Peter
Dörren blev öppnad av Peter
door-the became open-present of Peter

5) The door opened itself.
Dörren öppnade sig själv.
door-the open-past it(reflexive) self.

6) Peter made John open the door.
Peter fick Johan att öppna dörren.
Peter got John to open door-the

EDIT: 7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Peter öppnade(något)
Peter open-past(something)
Last edited by Shrdlu on 29 Dec 2013 21:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Plusquamperfekt »

:con: Miwonša

1) Peter opened the door.

Pjatro layanzit škinai.
[Peter open<PAST>-3SG.PFV door-ACC.SG]

2) The door opened.

Škina layanzastat.
[door-NOM.SG open<PAST>-REFL-3.SG-PFV]

3) The door was opened.

Škina layanzarat.
[door-NOM.SG open<PAST>-PASS-PFV]

4) The door was opened by Peter

Škina layanzarat ki Pjatrok.
[door-NOM.SG open<PAST>-PASS-PFV by Peter-GEN.SG]

5) The door opened itself.

Škina layanzastat kjapsi.
[door-NOM.SG open<PAST>-PASS-PFV alone]

6) Peter made John open the door.

Yono layanzit škinai šwa Pjatrok.
[John-NOM.SG open<PAST>-3SG door-ACC.SG CAUS Peter-GEN.SG]

EDIT: 7) Peter opened.

~ Pjatro layanzifit/layanzit antsoi. (Peter opened it. / Peter opened something.)
"lanziwa" is a transitive verb and requires an object in the accusative [:(]
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Plusquamperfekt »

:pol: My try at Polish:

1) Piotr otworzył drzwi.
2) Drzwi otworzyły się.
3) Drzwi zostały otworzone.
4) Drzwi zostały otworzone przez Jana.
5) Drzwi otworzyły się same.
6) Jan sprawił/spowodował, że Piotr otworzył drzwi. / Jan zmusił Piotra do otworzenia drzwi. (very unsure about this...)
7) Piotr otworzył coś.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Bagliun Edar »


1) Peter opened the door.
Bither jaomjo lomolu.
[ˈbiðɛɾ ˈʒaɔmʒɔ ˈlɔmɔlu]
Bither jaom-jo lomol-u

2) The door opened.
Lomoluovion jaomjo.
[ˈlɔmɔˌluɔviɔn ˈʒaɔmʒɔ]
lomol-u-ovion jaom-jo

3) The door was opened.
Lomolu jaomjōr.
[ˈlɔmɔlu ˈʒaɔmʒɔːɾ]
lomol-u jaom-jo-or

4) The door was opened by Peter
Lomolu jaomjōr Bitherbal.
[ˈlɔmɔlu ˈʒaɔmʒɔːɾ ˈbiðɛɾbal]
lomol-u jaom-jo-or Bither-bal

5) The door opened itself.
Lomolu jaomjoder.
[ˈlɔmɔlu ˈʒaɔmˌʒɔdɛɾ]
lomol-u jaom-jo-der

6) Peter made John open the door.
Jon jaomjo lomolu Bitherthom.
[ʒɔn ˈʒaɔmʒɔ ˈlɔmɔlu ˈbiðɛɾðɔm]
Jon jaom-jo lomol-u Bither-thom
John open the-door caused-by-peter.

7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Bither jaomjo.
[ˈbiðɛɾ ˈʒaɔmʒɔ]
Bither jaom-jo
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Nortaneous »


1) Pitar gardzas tlumnux.
[pitar gardzas tʰɫumnux]
Pitar gardz-Vs t-lu-im-nux-0
Peter door-ACC 3M.T-it-go_out-CAUS-3I.ERG

2, 3) Zhu gardzas tlumnux. (The distinction could be captured by -nux- vs. -mod-, the intentional and unintentional causative respectively.)
[ʒu gardzas tʰɫumnux]
zhu gardz-Vs t-lu-im-nux-0
something door-ACC 3M.T-it-go_out-CAUS-3I.ERG

4) Gardzas Pitar lumnux.
[gardzas pitar tʰɫumnux]
gardz-Vs Pitar 0-lu-im-nux-0
door-ACC Peter ERG=T-it-go_out-CAUS-3I.ERG

5) Gardz lummodri.
[gardz ɫummodri]
gardz 0-lu-im-mod-ri-0
door ERG=T-it-go_out-CAUS2-REFL-3I.ERG

6) Pitar Jans amgardzimnux mahanux.
[pitar dʒans aŋgardzimnux mahanux]
Pitar Jan-s (a)m-gardz-im-nux ma-a-nux-0
Peter John-ACC NMZ-door-go_out-CAUS 3M.S-have-CAUS-3I.ERG

7) Pitar zhus tlumnux.
[pitar ʒus tʰɫumnux]
Pitar zhu-Vs t-lu-im-nux-0
Peter something-ACC 3M.T-it-go_out-CAUS-3I.ERG

If you want to be terrible, 6) could be Pitar Jans mamgardzimnuxaqs, but that's pretty artificial.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Yélian:

1) Peter opened the door.
Pita yitefendet u'fal.
['pi:tɐ ʃi:tɛ'fɛndɛt u'fal.]
Peter PST-open-ACT-3PS.SG INAN-door

2) The door opened.
U'fal yitefendet.
[u'fal ʃi:tɛ'fɛndɛt]
INAN-door PST-open-ACT-3PS.SG

3) The door was opened.
U'fal yitefendit.
[u'fal ʃi:tɛ'fɛndɪt]
INAN-door PST-open-PASS-3PS.SG

4) The door was opened by Peter
U'fal yitefendit Pita.
[u'fal ʃi:tɛ'fɛndɪt 'pi:tɐ]
INAN-door PST-open-PASS-3PS.SG Peter

5) The door opened itself.
U'fal yive'itefendet.
[u'fal ʃi:veʔitɛ'fɛndɛt]
INAN-door PST-it.REF-open-ACT-3PS.SG

6) Peter made John open the door.
Pita yinabtefendat Tyòn.
['pi:tɐ ʃi:nabe'fendat t͜sɔn]
Peter PST-make-open-IMP-3PS.SG John.

EDIT: 7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Pita yiciytefendet.
['pi:tɐ ʃi:kajtɛ'fɛndɛt]
Peter PST-something-open-ACT-3PS.SG

And, only short, the analogies in Old High Yélian (grammar sticks the same at the moment, still WIP)

1) Pida cidepenzed uxau pal.
2) uxau pal cidepenzed.
3) uxau pal cidepenzid.
4) uxau pal cidepenzid Pida.
5) uxau pal civehidepenzed.
6) Pida cinsaβdepenzad Tjœn.
7) Pida cigaidepenzed.
Last edited by Iyionaku on 29 Jun 2014 21:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Creyeditor »

:ind: Bahasa Indonesia
1) Peter mem-buka pintu.
peter TRANS-open door
Peter opened the door.

2) Pintu ter-buka.
door PASS1-open
The door opened.

3) Pintu di-buka.
door PASS2-open
The door was opened.

4) Pintu di-buka oleh Peter.
door PASS2-open by Peter
The door was opened by Peter

5) Pintu ter-buka sendiri.
door PASS1-open oneself
The door opened itself.

6) Peter buat John mem-buka pintu.
peter make john TRANS-open door
Peter made John open the door.

7) Peter mem-buka se-suatu.
peter TRANS-open one-thing
Peter opened something.

It could be argued, that the PASS1 is in fact a middle voice because it denies the existence of an agent.
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Soaring »

bajipeter libomaah kmam.
kmam libomaah.
kmam vaah libomaah.
kmam vaah libomaah m bajipeter.
kmam libomaah boja.
bajipeter loah bajijohn liboma kmam.
bajipeter libomaah.

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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Squall »

:con: Xioran
1) Peter opened the door.
Petro ovroy ley poruta.
Peter open-PAST DEF door.

2) The door opened.
Ley poruta ovroy re.
DEF door open-PAST ACC.

3) The door was opened.
Ditto 2

4) The door was opened by Peter.
Ley poruta ovroy re Petro.
DEF door open-PAST ACC Peter.

5) The door opened itself.
Ley poruta ovroy xe.
DEF door open-PAST self.

6) Peter made John open the door.
Petro koyzoy Johanno ovraw ley poruta.
Peter cause-PAST John open-INF DEF door.

7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Petro ovroy.
Peter open-PAST.

:con: :lat: Neolatino
1) Peter opened the door.
Petro aperió la porta.
Peter open-3SG.PAST DEF.FEM door.

2) The door opened.
La porta se aperió.
DEF.FEM door REFL open-3SG.PAST.

3) The door was opened.
La porta foi aperita. Adesso ella está aperita.
DEF.FEM door be.3SG.PAST open-PTCP-FEM. now 3SG.FEM be.3SG.PRES open-FEM.

4) The door was opened by Peter.
La porta foi aperita per Petro.
DEF.FEM door be.3SG.PAST open-PTCP-FEM by Peter.

5) The door opened itself.
La porta aperió se mesma.
DEF.FEM door open-3SG.PAST REFL same-FEM.

La porta aperió per se mesma.
DEF.FEM door open-3SG.PAST by REFL same-FEM.

La porta se aperió sola.
DEF.FEM REFL door open-3SG.PAST alone.

6) Peter made John open the door.
Petro fació Johano aperir la porta.
Peter make-3SG.PAST John open-INF DEF.FEM door.

7) Peter opened. (=opened something, not that he opened up himself)
Petro aperió.
Peter open-3SG.PAST.
English is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes or lack of knowledge when I discuss this language.
:bra: :mrgreen: | :uk: [:D] | :esp: [:)] | :epo: [:|] | :lat: [:S] | :jpn: [:'(]
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Re: The door opened, the door was opened... (voice)

Post by Sḿtuval »

something I don't feel like naming right now...
Pidre uerive la purta.
Peter open-PRT.3SG the.F.SG door
[ˈpi.dɾi we.ˈɾ lə ˈpuɾ.tə]
Peter opened the door.

La purta sei uerive.
the.F.SG door REFL open-PRT.3SG
[lə ˈpuɾ.tə sej we.ˈɾ]
The door opened.

La purta fua uerta. (o: alguim uerive la purta)
the.F.SG door be.PRT.3SG open.PP-F.SG | somebody open-PRT.3SG the.F.SG door
[lə ˈpuɾ.tə fwə ˈweɾ.tə | ˈal.gim we.ˈɾ lə ˈpuɾ.tə]
The door was opened. (or: somebody opened the door)

La purta fua uerta por Pidre.
the.F.SG door be.PRT.3SG open.PP-F.SG by Peter
[lə ˈpuɾ.tə fwə ˈweɾ.tə poɾ ˈpi.dɾi]
The door was opened by Peter.

La purta sei uerive por sì propia (o: sovina).
the.F.SG door REFL open-PRT.3SG by REFL.PREP own-F.SG | by.oneself-F.SG
[lə ˈpuɾ.tə sej we.ˈɾ poɾ si ˈpɾo.pjə | ˈə]
The door opened itself (or: alone).

Pidre lai fiç a la purta isseire uerta por Juanne.
Peter 3SG.F.DAT make.PRT.3SG to the.F.SG door be.INF open.PP-F.SG by John
[ˈpi.dɾi laj ˈfis‿ə lə ˈpuɾ.tə i.ˈsej.ɾi ˈweɾ.tə poɾ ˈʒ]
Peter made John open the door.

Pidre uerive (alguo).
Peter open-PRT.3SG something
[ˈpi.dɾi we.ˈɾ ˈal.gwo]
Peter opened (something).
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.
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