Creation Myths

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Creation Myths

Post by Micamo »

What creation myths do your concultures have?

Here's my draft of the Agyon's:

In the beginning there was nothing but a void, where no things existed but the Two, a man and a woman. The man was named Mayatsunda, the woman was called Gyorozi. They lived together, and Gyorozi was very happy.

But Mayatsunda was unsatisfied. He was convinced that there must be things out there in the void besides them. He wanted to find them. So he felt bithoz (ambition) and left Gyorozi to search for them.

This made Gyorozi very sad. For the first time she felt the pain of being alone. So she began to cry. Out of her tears, she made the world so she would no longer be alone.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Testyal »

The Stālouvína belive in a thing called Csassa, i.e. the first particle. The story is that there was nothing in the beginning, 'cept for a small floating electron called Csassa. This particle was so bored, it decided it needed a friend, so, for no reason, it split, except electrons aren't meant to split, so this new part-electron mutated into a quark (or Kūaca, the second quark). The cycle continued until three quarks, two ups and a down combined, and formed a proton while an up and 2 down quarks produced a neutron. The electrons seemed attracted to these new protons, and started hovering around them. The electrons began to name these protons, the more impressive the name, the prettier the proton. Hydregon only had 1 electron hovering around her, so she was thus named. Ununoctium had 118 electrons around her, so she was named with the most impressive name. The protons were only intrested in the neutrons though, so they joined the neutrons with the electrons still hovering around her.

And so, my fellow Stālouvína, that is how the world began, with an atom.

EDIT: noone knows how the electron split, but Stālouvína scientists are working on the theory.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by SLiV »

The Lurioneski religion has two hypergods, Éo and Nao, Everything/Something and Nothing. First there was Nothing, but then, Something came into existence. Being eachothers opposites, they were constantly battling each other out of existence. Sometimes there would be only Everything, and sometimes Nothing existed.

After ages of constant creation and destruction of the universe, Drago, the God of Balance, came to preserve order. He keeps to it that there is just as much Everything as Nothing.

From Drago came 6 other gods, who created the stars and planets and whatnot.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by sangi39 »

The Teutas generally have a unified creation myth to a point, although some of the finer details, such as the origins of the various mythological "races" differ somewhat.

In the very beginning was an endless, uniform vastness. No light, no darkness, no heavy, no light, no hot, not cold, no hard, no soft, no up, no down, no left, no right, etc. Gradually the uniformity began to divide ever so slightly. Although there was no light/darkness, hot/cold or soft/heavy, the universe did begin to divide into up/down and heavy/light.

The up/light became the First Father and the down/heavy became the First Mother, despite the lack of any inherent sexual dichotomy between them, they're simply more of a primordial conceptual dichotomy. Over time, they desired more from the world of which they themselves constituted and in doing so a joint, self-fertilised womb formed between them. Within this womb a seed, joined up and own by two umbilical cords, began to grow and in doing so led to the "births" of the first deities.

The first two deities to arise from the seed at the centre of the primordial womb, as described before, are the god "Sky" and the goddess "Earth" (called the "Under-Sky" when referring to her in her original state). There two children would then be the goddess "Wind" and the god "Water" (in their birth the masculine and feminine elements of the touching regions of Sky and Earth intertwine and then separate forming a male-female-male-female top-to-bottom cosmology. This is perhaps the origin of the belief in intertwined dichotomies present throughout various aspects of Teutas mythology).

Sky, Earth, Wind and Water exist within the womb in a kind of simple and primordial "order" in which their bodies are more-or-less clearly distinct yet they have no clear and distinct form.

Eventually Wind and Water gave birth to four more deities, representing prominent features of their underlying personalities (in this sense they may in some ways be described as "avatars", i.e. bodies through which their will can be acted out). Water gave birth to "Creator Son" and "Creator Daughter" while Wind gave birth to "Destroyer Son" and "Destroyer Daughter". Now, despite the names these four deities actually worked more-or-less as a coherent and unified force in their earlier years. For example, it is predominantly believed that Creator Son and Destroyer Daughter gave form and light to the universe, Creator Son taking the shape of the Sun and Destroyer Daughter becoming the Moon. Together they separated out Earth, Sky, Wind and Water into a coherent and solid universe. Creator Daughter and Destroyer Son, however, broke open the walls of the primordial womb and expanded outwards into what they viewed as a never-ending emptiness, rather than their "grandparents". Destroyer Son became the stars of the night sky, holding the expanded universe in place so that the order created by Sun and Moon wouldn't collapse. Creator Daughter, on the other hand, became the Dawn Bringer, ushering in her brother's arrival and by extenstion she became the goddess of time.

With the breaking of the primordial womb, the joint umbilical cord became rooted in Earth and stretched out to the reaches of First Father and First Mother forming the World Tree which connected the various regions of space together.

Now, exactly what happens later on is usually a matter of local variation and also depends on which period of Teutas history we're dealing with. For example, some believe that within this new order, three races came directly from the World Tree, the Younger Gods, the Giants (or the Elementals, which might be a more accurate name) and the Elves. The Younger Gods resided around the earthen base of the World Tree while the Elves inhabited the warmer southern areas while the Giants inhabited the north. In addition, the origin of various "Older Gods" also varies from time to time and from place to to place. The "Older Gods" are usually conceptual beings, e.g. Time and her daughter Life and her son Death, the four "positional" deities North, South, East and West wjo, along with Sky and Earth, gave the world full orientation, the Goddess of Eternal Motion and the God of the Unmoving whose exact roles are the subject of much philosphical debate but the usual interpretation is that the Goddes of Eternal Motion was like a larger conceptual counterpart to Life and represented the continual existence if the very universe itself and the ever changing nature of everything in it while the God of the Unmoving acted in opposition to it, pacing the Goddes of Eternal Motion and allowing the universe to be the subject of perception, i.e. the changes resulting from the Goddes of Eternal Motion weren't easily noticed, thus allowing the inhabitants within the universe to live within some form of reference point.

From this setting the Younger Gods, with the help of the Elves, "overthrew" the Older Gods in the sense that they came to hold more control over their abilities. For example, while Sun and Moon were essentially guided by Time, they became captured and dragged along as the Younger Gods determined by two sets of twins of each sex each. Time was entangled and eventually torn apart into three pieces. Her head became the past, her body the present and her legs the future, each now playing a more observational role in the world. The stars were also kept in check by 7 deities representing Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the North Star and Sirius.

Two main events then occurred, although the reasons and order depends. One was the creation of the human race and the second was the schism of the Younger Gods into the Light and Dark Gods. In one version, the Younger Gods essentially "pull" the first humans out of the World Tree and in another they are created by the Younger Gods. This then creates a four-fold mythological continuum in which the Divine Schism occurred either as a result of the later Dark Gods believing humans should have a limited lifespan and limited abilities within the universe, acting as tools for divine will or the schism occurred as the result or internal corruption within the later Dark Gods as the result of prolonged dealings with the Giants who had sided with the Elder Gods during the Divine Uprising.

In other words:

1) Humans are pulled out immortal and the Dark Gods say they shouldn't be
2) Humans are pulled out mortal and the Dark Gods are the result of corruption
3) Humans are directly created by the Younger Gods as immortal beings with the Dark Gods arguing against this idea
4) Humans are directly created by the Younger Gods as mortal and the Dark Gods are the result of corruption

After the schism the Elves divide into two main factions, the Light Elves, siding with the Light Gods (who now live in a heavenly realm higher up the world tree) and the Dark Elves (also known as Dwarves) with the Dark Gods (who now live below Earth at its roots). At some unspecified time there arises the Elven Gods although it is generally assumed they arose during the Divine Uprising.

Following this the various other races appear, the Shamans (Light Elf + Human), the Trolls (Dark Elves + Giants) and what are sometimes referred to as "Fairies" (Dark Elves + Humans).

Over time the various elements of Teutas mythology undergo various changes. For example, where certain traditions suggest the Giants, Elves and Younger Gods were three races who came from the World Tree, later traditions attribute the Elves to the Light Gods and Giants to the Dark Gods with humans arising from a number of different sources depending on tradition. In these varients the Dwarves are a Human-Giant cross, the Trolls are an Elf-Giant mix and Shamans are an Elf-Human hybrid. The Fairies are a Dwarf-Elf mix. Thus the general lineage is the same for the races as a whole (apart from the Dwarves which in the former varients are simply a race of Elves) but the origin of the Giants and Elves is completely different.

Throughout Teutas history, various deities pass in and out of favour and a number often changed either roles or positions within the divine hierarchy, usually depending on regional and local traditions. For example, at one point the God of Rain, and thus also of storms, floods, harvests, etc. was seen as the creator of the ordered universe, having simply "clapped" it into harmony. Over time, though, his role as "chief deity" was replaced by the God of Water.

Generally, which deity took prominence and how the intricate specifics of Teutas mythology interacted largely depending on the cultural attitudes and socio-economic environment at the time with pre-existing models fitting in with new specifics in a mostly flowing manner.

It should be noted, however, that the names of the various races, which are translations in this description, are usually references to the character of the collective rather than their physical characteristics. For example, the Giants, rather than being very tall people, are "elemental" beings, i.e. they have bodies made of various elements. There are ice, fire, air, water, wood and earth giants, all of which have some form of control over the element which constitutes there body (the name "giant" refers to the "largeness" which they gain through control of detached external objects acting as if they were a part of their bodies, hence being "larger" than they actually are). Likewise the elves are not small humans with pointy ears but rather human-sized creatures with almost identical physical characteristics besides being completely white. They are also defined as "living within nature" rather than outside of it as humans do and more detailed depictions indicate what we would essentially see as a hunter-gatherer lifestyle (the name "elf" referring to the "living in nature" aspect). Likewise Dwarves, which are more or less identical to Elves, are so named because of their subterranean lifestyle. Trolls are named for their relation to Giants and their "dark" nature while Fairies are so named because of their "mischevious" ways (although they're far from mischevious and are believed to be the cause of anything from missing children and objects to avalanches).


I'm still working on the native names for the deities and the races as well as various events like the Womb Breaking and the Divine Uprising, etc. so I've just used the general translations here for the sake of ease.

In general the cosmology's not all that original, pretty much similar to the Norse layout of things, i.e. central world tree connecting the realm of the Light Gods towards the top, the humans in the middle and Dark Gods towards the bottom with the higher branches reaching out into the higher heavens and the lower roots stretching down towards the lower underworlds. The northern and extreme southern regions would be the realms of the Elves and the southern and extreme northern regions the lands of the Giants*. To the East would be the realm of the Older Heavenly Gods while the West would be the realm of the dead.

*There are two general reasons behind this:

1) The Giants originally lived in the North and the Elves in the South. In preparation for the End of Time the Dark Gods moved upwards in the southern regions, placing Giants closer to the southern side of the World Tree while the Light Gods placed some Elves closer to the north side of the World Tree. Through this, both sides protected the entrances to their respective realms while still able to fight when necessary.
2) The Giants originally lived in the South and the Elves in the North. In preparation for the End of Time the Dark Gods moved upwards in the northern regions, placing Giants on the far side of the Elven armies while the Light Gods placed some Elved on the the far side of the Giant armies to the South. In this model the placement of the various races was supposed to allow their armies to act out a two front attack on their enemies while allowing the Gods to attack via the World Tree.

The general idea is that the Gods no less about what's going on the further away it is. Thus they know what's going on in the Central Human realm rather well and have quite a strong knowledge of the opposition close to the World Tree but only gain indirect knowledge of the extreme north and south regions through followers closer to home. This state is also supposed to indicate that at the End of Time, neither side will win and only those sheltered at the centre of the then collapsed World Tree will survive.

This limitation on the site of the Younger Gods contrasts with the limitless knowledge and perception of the Older Gods who, essentially both pervading and constituting all aspects of the universe at the same time, are able to see everything. The betrayal by the Younger Gods, however, means that they will not freely share this knowledge without some form of either force, sacrifice or payment, hence why Time was cut into three pieces.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Chelsara »

Disclaimer: All names referenced in this post are subject to change. Most are temporary names until I develop the world further.

Cuemans (Currently Unnamed Experimental "Humans", because I haven't named my conculture or my conpeople yet... Or the language, for that matter...) believe their world was created through a event called the Great Paradox.

The world Cuemans live on was always existent. Cuemans and the Spirit, however, did not exist until long ago. The creation of the Cuemans and the Spirit is called the Great Paradox.

Basically, they believe the Cuemans created the Spirit, and the Spirit created the Cuemans. (I haven't developed it further.)

The Spirit, for clairification, is their "god." They believe that the Spirit is in everyone, and everyone effects each other because of the unity created through the Spirit.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by taylorS »

The speakers of Alpic are currently Swiss Calvinist Protestants, but their ancestors, of course, were pagans. Early Alpic creation myths involve a divine marriage of Father Sky (Vollo) and Mother Earth (Rassja) whose offspring are the various facets of the world. Rassja's milk formed the Milky Way. These included the the God of Wisdom (Gommu) and Goddess of Thought (Harja), who created the first people from oak branches and milk from the Goddess of Dawn (Fosa).
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Melend »

The Talyeruan claimed that they will create the universe at a future date; specifically, when they are reunited with the beings who designed them for the purpose of creating the universe. It was not entirely clear to the xenologists studying them what will happen if this reunification fails to take place, or whether the Talyeruan believed that's even possible. When asked why they are not in contact with their progenitors, they answered that they are "hiding from the enemy" and were reluctant to explain further.

Initial bemusement among the researchers changed to uncertainty with some, intense skepticism with others, and horrified belief with a few. What is undeniable is the profound understanding of advanced mathematics by the natives of P3578-3-R, possibly beyond current human knowledge, and that they did not evolve on the planet on which they resided. Whether they can truly reproduce transLocal shifts without functional metallurgy is a question that may never be answered, now that their entire civilization has disappeared without trace.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by threecat »

My conculture, the Gala(see related thread in Conworlding Section), doesn't care one whit if the universe was created. They merely assume the Steady State Theory, which explains away why we exist without any reference to a First Cause , whether the First Cause is natural or supernatural , despite knowing full well that a First-Cause-To-Everything, whether natural (the multiverse) or supernatural(n-dimensional aliens) exists, because they can't count to infinity.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Sḿtuval »

Technically, this isn't a myth. I'd still like to share it however.

Taðarians believe that the universe was created from an explosion, similar to the Big Bang. As far as science will let them see back in time, there was one planet (Riðanos) that orbited a black hole. Riðanos gave off its own light; if you were to look deep inside a large body of water, your eyes would burn. On the contrary, the farther inland you were, the darker it would be. The earliest Taðarian scientists could go back to was 521 BC (before creation).

Each year, Riðanos grew closer to the black hole. In 1 BC, the planet became dangerously close to the black hole. At the time, the only life on the planet was simple plant life (such as algae) and bacteria. As each day passed, fragments of Riðanos were pulled into the black hole. Riðanos's core was eventually exposed. In the year 0, Riðanos exploded inside the black hole, causing a chain reaction of radiation and elements that eventually spread out a million kilometers in each direction from the black hole. These fragments developed into planets, while the radiation developed into stars. Fragments too small to become planets either became moons, asteroids, or comets. This took approximately 3,956,400 years.

Later, life started to develop. By the time the fragments finished developing, bacteria had already emerged once again. The first plant life after the explosion grew in 24,894,700 AC (after creation), while the first animal life originated in 61,274,300 AC. The Taðarians came into presence in 1,290,875,000 AC. Today would be Atroszun 23, 8,094,273,142 AC in the Taðarian calendar.

NOTE: When I use the word "year" in this post, I mean a Taðarian year. The time it takes for Taðaria to complete one orbit is equivalent to 1.90341837284 Earth years. This approximates to about 16685.0038068 hours, as opposed to our 8765.81 hour year.
NOTE: Taðarians are not humans. They also live in a different universe than us.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by prettydragoon »

The Rireinukave creation myth:

In the beginning, Yuri the All-Mother gave birth to the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars. She gave birth to the animals and the plants. Pleased with her work, she decided to make herself a servant to care for her creation. So she gave birth to Eka, the first person. She told Eka to study the world and care for it for her. And to call upon her, if she had need.

For a while, Eka enjoyed studying the world and giving names to everything. But soon she noticed she was the only one of her kind and she felt lonely. She wanted a friend. She noticed how the animals mated with a male and gave birth to others of their kind, so she decided to do likewise. She would mate with a male and give birth to another of her kind.

So Eka mated with several male wild animals and gave birth to their domesticated variants. Those were good, but not good enough. She was still lonely. She lay down on the ground and wept for her disappointment, and Rato, the goddess of the soil, took pity on her. Rato mated with Eka to cheer her up and gave her a domesticated plant. That was good, but still not good enough.

Two more times Eka tried. She mated with another male wild animal and gave birth to its domesticated variant. She cried with disappointment, Rato came and comforted her and gave her a domesticated plant. The third time, Rato gave Eka the banana. Then an ape saw the banana, attacked Eka and tried to take the banana for himself. Eka grabbed a rock and killed the ape. The blood of the ape soaked into the ground.

Dejected, Eka called to Yuri the All-Mother for help. Yuri the All-Mother told Eka to take the blood-soaked soil and make a figurine out of it. Eka did so and Yuri the All-Mother turned the figurine into a live male of the species, half Eka's size. So Eka mated with the male and gave birth to Tosa, the second person. Finally, here was a friend for Eka.

Eka and Tosa lived happily together. They mated with each other for pleasure. They mated with the male and gave birth to many daughters. Then one day, Eka gave birth to a male child. The male saw this, attacked Eka and tried to take the baby and kill him. Eka grabbed a rock and killed the male. To prevent such an incident from happening again, Tosa built a sturdy hut. When the baby was weaned, she put him in the hut and kept him there. He was only taken from his hut for breeding. And so it is done even down to this day.
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Shemtov »

prettydragoon wrote:
So Eka mated with several male wild animals
Did you take this detail from the Jewish stories about Adam?
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Znex »

Shemtov wrote:
prettydragoon wrote:
So Eka mated with several male wild animals
Did you take this detail from the Jewish stories about Adam?
Wait, there are Jewish stories about Adam that say this sort of thing?
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Shemtov »

Znex wrote:
Shemtov wrote:
prettydragoon wrote:
So Eka mated with several male wild animals
Did you take this detail from the Jewish stories about Adam?
Wait, there are Jewish stories about Adam that say this sort of thing?
Metaphorically speaking, and with female animals, but otherwise, yes.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by prettydragoon »

Shemtov wrote:
prettydragoon wrote:
So Eka mated with several male wild animals
Did you take this detail from the Jewish stories about Adam?
No, I didn't. I don't believe I've come across any such stories.
Shemtov wrote:
Znex wrote:Wait, there are Jewish stories about Adam that say this sort of thing?
Metaphorically speaking, and with female animals, but otherwise, yes.
I'm not surprised. Earth is so similar to Rireinu, it's not even funny any more. It's like Earth was invented by an sf author who only had two big ideas: what if males were just like persons? And they didn't have a garment taboo? But then she copied everything else from real life: farmers ploughing their fields with space oxen and planting space rice, space dogs as pets...
As far as I know, I came up with this metaphor for animal domestication on my own.

Also, so that Eka could lament, "I have mated with males without number, but I am still lonely."
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Andlat »

According to the Nyírathön, Luöja created the earth and all people. Then, because Luöja is kasítamat, unknowable, Luoja created two aspects: Nyägil and Karúr. At first, Nyägil and Karúr lived on the earth, walking among mortal people. After several generations, they realized that humans should have the free will to pray to either of them, so they left the earth, promising to never return. Due to this, the Nyírathön and the Fuini and all other followers of Luöja choose which aspect to pray to, often going back and forth on which aspect to dedicate themselves to.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Shemtov »

prettydragoon wrote:
Shemtov wrote:
prettydragoon wrote:
So Eka mated with several male wild animals
Did you take this detail from the Jewish stories about Adam?
No, I didn't. I don't believe I've come across any such stories.
Shemtov wrote:
Znex wrote:Wait, there are Jewish stories about Adam that say this sort of thing?
Metaphorically speaking, and with female animals, but otherwise, yes.
I'm not surprised. Earth is so similar to Rireinu, it's not even funny any more. It's like Earth was invented by an sf author who only had two big ideas: what if males were just like persons? And they didn't have a garment taboo? But then she copied everything else from real life: farmers ploughing their fields with space oxen and planting space rice, space dogs as pets...
As far as I know, I came up with this metaphor for animal domestication on my own.

Also, so that Eka could lament, "I have mated with males without number, but I am still lonely."
Here's the Jewish story I was talking about:
"Adam mated with every [species of] domesticated animal and wild animal but his appetite was not assuaged by them, until he discovered Eve."
It's from the medieval Bible commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki on Genesis 2:23- most of his supercommantaries take it metaphorically.
Many children make up, or begin to make up, imaginary languages. I have been at it since I could write.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by prettydragoon »

Shemtov wrote:Here's the Jewish story I was talking about:
"Adam mated with every [species of] domesticated animal and wild animal but his appetite was not assuaged by them, until he discovered Eve."
It's from the medieval Bible commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki on Genesis 2:23- most of his supercommantaries take it metaphorically.
Oh, that's very neat! Interesting indeed.
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Dormouse559 »

A few things first. This is a rough draft, so your thoughts would be appreciated. I don't yet know the actual names of the characters, so in the meantime, the goddess of the Earth will be called Terra, the god of the sun Sol, and the god of the moon Luna. I'm going to use "he/him/his" for Luna, but know that Luna is actually third-gender, identifying as neither male nor female. And then there's the generic Bird of Prey, which will gain a name and a species eventually.

In the beginning, the universe was covered by water, the Primordial Sea. The only dry land was a floating island where the three principal gods – Terra, Sol and Luna – lived.

Once, Bird of Prey was flying overhead, carrying its egg. It dropped the egg, which fell and shattered on the island, creating the world. The shell became the sky, the yolk became the ocean and the chick inside became dry land.

Terra picked up the newly formed world and cradled it close to her breast. It was very unlike the present Earth. The land was barren, the sea still, the air quiet. No stars lit the pitch-black sky. Luna took some moist clay from the island’s coast and out of it formed fish, which he put in the world’s ocean. But that was all he could do on his own.

Then, Bird of Prey, angered by the loss of its egg, attacked Terra. Out of fear that the Earth would be destroyed, Terra swallowed the Earth. It settled in her womb where it shall stay until the end of time. Sol came and fought Bird of Prey. It escaped in the end, but Sol succeeded in cutting off its leg. To celebrate the defeat of Bird of Prey, Sol made a fire and cooked the leg, turning the tough meat into a grand feast. When Terra ate of the flesh, it joined the Earth in her womb, becoming birds.

In time, Terra knew that the Earth was still incomplete. The birds and fish lay asleep in perpetual darkness. And when they awoke, nothing would populate the land. So when Sol was off watching for Bird of Prey, who they all feared would return, she invited Luna to mate with her. When Luna went in his turn to watch for Bird of Prey, Terra invited Sol to mate with her. Their combined efforts led to the creation of the first land animals and human beings, who lay sleeping, together with all the life of the Earth.

As Luna searched the vast Primordial Sea, his right eye glowed like silver. The pale light shone through Terra’s pregnant belly, and the life of the Earth began to stir. Outside of their bodies, they traveled the universe, the future and places that would never be.

When Sol again took his turn searching the Primordial Sea, his left eye radiated light and heat. The radiance shone through Terra’s pregnant belly, and the life of the Earth finally awoke. The fish began to slide through the water, the birds took to the air and the land animals and humans took their first steps.
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Ahzoh »

Dormouse559 wrote:A few things first. This is a rough draft, so your thoughts would be appreciated. I don't yet know the actual names of the characters, so in the meantime, the goddess of the Earth will be called Terra, the god of the sun Sol, and the god of the moon Luna. I'm going to use "he/him/his" for Luna, but know that Luna is actually third-gender, identifying as neither male nor female. And then there's the generic Bird of Prey, which will gain a name and a species eventually.

In the beginning, the universe was covered by water, the Primordial Sea. The only dry land was a floating island where the three principal gods – Terra, Sol and Luna – lived.

Once, Bird of Prey was flying overhead, carrying its egg. It dropped the egg, which fell and shattered on the island, creating the world. The shell became the sky, the yolk became the ocean and the chick inside became dry land.

Terra picked up the newly formed world and cradled it close to her breast. It was very unlike the present Earth. The land was barren, the sea still, the air quiet. No stars lit the pitch-black sky. Luna took some moist clay from the island’s coast and out of it formed fish, which he put in the world’s ocean. But that was all he could do on his own.

Then, Bird of Prey, angered by the loss of its egg, attacked Terra. Out of fear that the Earth would be destroyed, Terra swallowed the Earth. It settled in her womb where it shall stay until the end of time. Sol came and fought Bird of Prey. It escaped in the end, but Sol succeeded in cutting off its leg. To celebrate the defeat of Bird of Prey, Sol made a fire and cooked the leg, turning the tough meat into a grand feast. When Terra ate of the flesh, it joined the Earth in her womb, becoming birds.

In time, Terra knew that the Earth was still incomplete. The birds and fish lay asleep in perpetual darkness. And when they awoke, nothing would populate the land. So when Sol was off watching for Bird of Prey, who they all feared would return, she invited Luna to mate with her. When Luna went in his turn to watch for Bird of Prey, Terra invited Sol to mate with her. Their combined efforts led to the creation of the first land animals and human beings, who lay sleeping, together with all the life of the Earth.

As Luna searched the vast Primordial Sea, his right eye glowed like silver. The pale light shone through Terra’s pregnant belly, and the life of the Earth began to stir. Outside of their bodies, they traveled the universe, the future and places that would never be.

When Sol again took his turn searching the Primordial Sea, his left eye radiated light and heat. The radiance shone through Terra’s pregnant belly, and the life of the Earth finally awoke. The fish began to slide through the water, the birds took to the air and the land animals and humans took their first steps.
Your mythology reminds me much of the Native American creation stories.
I think there was a NA creation story called "the raven" that was very similar.
Image Śād Warḫallun (Vrkhazhian) [ WIKI | CWS ]
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Re: Creation Myths

Post by Dormouse559 »

Sorry for not responding much earlier, Ahzoh.
Ahzoh wrote:Your mythology reminds me much of the Native American creation stories.
That's good. The conculture is supposed to be reminiscent of some Native American cultures.
Ahzoh wrote:I think there was a NA creation story called "the raven" that was very similar.
Yes, that's where the idea came from for Bird of Prey. I needed some initial catalyst to get things moving, and Raven seemed like a good basis for that. Not sure if Bird of Prey is going to end up being a raven, but it's quite possible.
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