Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by cntrational »

Chagen, consider a show like Gurren Lagann, which I know you like, and you've mentioned it before as an inspiration for your conworld. I'm also a big fan of that show, but you seem to have misunderstood why its epic scale ludicrousness works.

Consider the Giga Drill Break. It might seem awesome and overpowered, but it's not really so -- it's only pulled out at crucial moments, and when it is, it doesn't always succeed (the Lordgenome fight).

Simon and Team Dai-Gurren didn't pull out their amazing powers willy nilly whenever they wanted, but constrasted them with mundane powers. One of the most badass scenes in TTGL is when Kittan fights against a Mugann using a piddly rifle -- he didn't jump up and punch them in the face or anything stupid like that, he just makes do with what he has and nearly dies. Now that's good storytelling.

Or consider the later supersized mecha. Arc-Gurren Lagann was formed during a crisis, and foreshadowed by the pre-existance of Lagann's combining powers and the fact that Arc-Gurren is a Gunmen. Even then, it didn't kick the Moon back into orbit, it wasn't of any use at all until Lordgenome revealed the secret to stopping the Moon!
Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann wasn't pulled out of nowhere, but required a long amount of time to charge up and the sacrifice of many Team Dai-Gurren members -- even then, it required a lot of effort to actually come into being. All this effort is a suitable build-up and justification for its ridiculous abilities, a mark of good story telling.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is literally bigger than a galaxy, but it didn't instantly win -- indeed, the Antispirals pretty much kicked its butt until nearing the end slightly before and after Lordgenome sacrificing himself.

You gotta understand that piling on awesome and awesome doesn't result in more awesome, it results in a sickening flop. Good storytelling is where you have something to compare to, to constrast with the awesome. Consider Superman -- the classic scene where he stands up to a bunch of mundane criminals who uselessly shoot him with guns would be rendered fairly weak and unimpressive if everybody was immune to bullets. Likewise, it would be even more boring if Superman easily overcame all his challenges, we like to see super characters over come super obsticles. Constrast is another important tool of storytelling and world-building.

There's also the problem of justification. Mediocre conworlds give no justification for the things that happen in them, but good conworlds -- and by extension, truly interesting stories -- have justification and limitations to their power.

Going back to Gurren Lagann, Spiral Energy is the source of the heroes' power, but it's not limitless -- you can run out of Spiral Energy and it has a drawback -- it would eventually lead to the end of the universe through excess entropy. This both establishes plausible limits and gives justification for why the villains do what they do. Another hallmark of good storytelling.

Or, let my present my own sci-fi conworld. I once decided to add mecha as a central component, but why mecha? Mecha aren't very useful in warfare, and especially not humanoid mecha. So I recycled an old idea from my conworld: forcefield shields. Consider what would happen if forcefields were so strong that they blocked all weaponry except for impacts very large in mass. Mecha lead easily from this -- they're the easiest way to impart excess force through simple punching and large weaponry. There are also things like giant railguns who fire excessively large slugs in order to pierce shields, but they're difficult to manuever, so mecha come easily as the main source of combat.

Not to toot my own horn, but things like this produce good conworlding and sci-fi. (I've since removed mecha from my current sci-fi conworld plan, however. I'll save them for another conworld) One simple idea that leads to many other concepts and forms the bedrock of your world. You shouldn't just add powers willy nilly, but base them off basic ideas that lead to bigger ideas -- such stories are much more coherent and enjoyable. Compare Star Trek with its hitherto unkwown aspect of physics and mysterious particle discovered every week and Babylon 5, where nearly every idea and concept is remembered and part of a coherent whole. B5 is much more satisfying as sci-fi than ST.

I hope you take this advice to heart, because I feel your conworld has potential, it just needs substantial revision to actually be good.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Chagen »

I do love TTGL, but my main inspiration came from the Tabletop RPG Exalted. I feel these quotes--all from actual players or developers of the game--describe Exalted well and describe the feel I'm going for:
"Exalted is a game where one of your main antagonists is Death, Creator of the Underworld. Except there's several of him, probably six or seven. Oh, and he's got 13 dread henchmen, one of whom was probably you at some point in time. Also, Hell has a personal grudge against you this time. Did I mention Magical America regularly trains and sends ninjas out for you personally? Ninjas specially trained in ass-kicking? Which, if they won't work, they keep giant robotic suits of armor on reserve for. Oh, and the Transformers have united under Omicron, and are invading. The Jedi have corrupted Heaven and usurped your rightful place as the Masters of Everything. Your ex-wife just dropped by, and she's a two thousand year old shape-changing man-eating monster now, interested in maybe going on a date next Thursday. Your best friend from your last life and while growing up now seeks to cover all the lands of Middle Earth in darkness, if he can just find this damn ring. And your God has the world's biggest crack habit, and needs some serious rehab."

" The game where you can punch people into being so sick their organs fall out.
The game where you can turn yourself into a city.
The game where dinosaurs pee heroin.
The game where you can sign on with the fallen supergod that erased nine-tenths of Creation because it lost the war.
The game where you can kill five things with one knife throw, jump over a mountain, and still make it to teatime with a dragon.
The game where you can build a giant robot out of ghosts.
And then kill it with a giant sword made of dead gods.
The game where you can insult someone so badly they die.
The game where the sun is like a giant Death Star piloted by the king of gods and capable of blowing up anything he doesn’t like.
The game where you can be so sexy it hurts.
The game where you can be so sneaky you turn into someone else.
The game with magic lesbian stripper ninjas.
The game with fairies that are more like Cthulhu.
But it’s okay because the zombie gods (not gods of zombies, gods that are zombies) accidentally drove them back with a horrible plague.
The game where starting martial artists have to punch a river in half.
The game where, if all goes well, you really should overthrow the gods before you’re halfway done."

" A Sidereal was hiding in my cereal bowl waiting to ambush me but I gave it to this guy I didn't like and the Sidereal jumped out and punched him and he turned into ducks. Seriously, it was like poof and he was three ducks. "

" In ancient days, when mystical shit was BIG and IN YOUR FACE, somebody FUCKED UP and BROKE EVERYTHING and now THINGS SUCK. "
All of these quotes perfectly describe the feel I'm going for, especially the last one (though the Divine Plane is more "Mystical God-beings prowled the universe and found humanity, thought we were awesome and gave our greatest people the chance to be BIG and IN YOUR FACE, and then realized that was a terrible idea because humans are fucking crazy")

The Divine Plane is not the average conworld, especially compared to the ones on this forum. If I wanted to encapsulate it into a quote like the first one there, then that would be

Welcome to the Divine Plane! You are a demigod ascended by an actual god for being really badass down on Earth, and now you have the chance to do practically anything, if it weren't for the fact that Divine Kung-Fu Police Communists who live in a second heaven made completely of gemstone constantly harass you and your fellow demigods; oh, and they have the best martial arts in the entire plane and have access to the entire source code of the world so they can roll up NEW stupid-broken martial arts, and no you can't learn them. Oh and there's like eight-fucking-billion of them so good luck getting some peace and quiet. Also, one of them died and her soul was so anguished it tore a giant fucking hole through the Divine Plane where she made basically Super-Hell (which is composed entirely out of rotting flesh) along with 9 subordinates where they take dead people and make them into cannibal zombie demigods who mutate their bodies.

That's not too bad, though, as the more pressing problem is people on earth stealing the souls of gods to eat them which only results in them becoming these horrifying lovecraftian abominations which are Bad for Earth, so sometimes you have to go down and beat them up before they completely jack up your homeworld. Also, some God got pissed at the system, so he ran to the underside of Heaven, started handing out bootleg ascensions to people on Earth, and is forming an army of rogue demigods who can MacGuyver anything from a gun to a working giant mecha in less than a day with nothing but trash, for the purpose of leading a revolution. Thankfully THEIR time is taken up by the forces of a woman whom said revolutionary god pissed off once so now she's fighting him from the sky with people ascended by shooting stars. They regularly take their fights to the Heaven by the way.

Also a glitch in the system resulted in evil people going to Heaven, so we just stuffed them in Hell but they keep coming out and starting shit. And some people on the plane got annoyed at authority so they decided to just cause mass anarchy by skullfucking reality so hard it breaks down completely. Oh and some inanimate objects designed for a purpose ended up becoming humanoid spirits solely to fulfill their purposes. And finally some people on Earth have stuffed thousands of alternate universes into their heads which let them predict everything and force utterly improbable events to occur through merging universes...usually. Sometimes the wrong universe gets merged. Then Bad Things happen.

I should also mention that every single one of these groups can make literally divine robots which fight with chainsaw weapons that rend reality apart.

Have fun.

The Divine Plane is unapologetically ridiculous. And each "group" (In order: Ascended, Ordofices, Akuma/Deathblessed, Eldritch, Devil Tigers, Astral Glories, Ascended again, Discordants, Legendary Means, Puissants, and the robots are called Divine Automatons) is intentionally designed to be as utterly distanced from everyone else as possible. That's the entire point. It's actually quite coherent and things rarely happen just for the sake of cool. I'm well aware that it's not to everyone's tastes, but I personally like it. There are justifications for a lot of things as well, it's not just COMPLETELY over-the-top with no explanation. But the Divine Plane is not meant to be a realistic conworld. It's meant to be a conworld for setting epic (and I mean that in the old sense of "grand, inspired-by-mythology") stories into (either that or Shounen adventures).

Finally, one of the things you're missing is that not everyone on the Divine Plane is stupid-powerful. People still have to work for the truly magnificent powers, it's just that they start out as near or barely surpassing the abilities of the best normal humans. Then they grow from there.

I've been spending a lot of time tweaking it; thinking of getting rid of some of the groups because they don't fit into the conworld at large now or replacing them with more fitting ones. It's still a work-in-progress.

I'd love to make a thread for the world but I'm not even sure how to begin describing.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Yačay256 »

The United People's Republic of Lwimaul - located in the Channel Islands of Californa, being a city-state on a near-future Earth - sometime between 2030s to 2060s is when I'm writing about, has similar weaponry to just ahead of cutting edge contemporary military technology. Importantly, space travel and its industry is mildly or moderately more accessible and developed when compared with the present day, but otherwise, weaponry is still quite recognizable.

Being a rich but still small city-state middle power in this future Earth's greatly transformed geopolitical system - probably the single biggest difference between the time of Lwimaul and ours own, it has a fairly small but advanced and relatively powerful military - the Lwimaul People's Army, with roughly 110,000 people are on active duty in the armed services, about .7% of the total population of the country's 14 million, though around six myriad more are in the paramilitary-reserve internal troops/police/militia system known as the Lwimaul People's Militia (which, unlike Eastern Bloc countries, fuses the duties of the internal troops, the police and the militia/militsiya systems together).

In any case, here are the closest things to superweapons the Lwimaul People's Army operates (many of which are my own inventions, and thus I will not discuss any more of than I am doing below):

A novel type of composite armour that I've invented (and thus will not disclose any more about); thermobaric warheads, a radical improvement for a revolutionary new assault rifle (again, I've invented it, so I will speak no more about it).
Quasi-Ballistic anti-shipping Missiles, supercavitating rocket propelled torpedoes using a novel rocket propulsion system and another type of propulsion system (neither of which I will disclose, since I've invented them myself), indigenously developed and built littoral combat ships, a novel (again, of my own invention) type of submarine buoyancy control system; a new type of fast attack craft using a novel structural and propulsion technology.
A novel type of jet that I've invented (patent will be pending, so again I won't go into further detail :mrgreen: )
Air & Missile Defense
An aerostat-based laser and gun anti-ballistic missile defense system.
Anti-Satellite warfare missiles and indigenous reconnaissance satellites and statites; space assault rifle (a modified version of the aforementioned type that I developed).
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Chagen »

In a conworld I'm devising while bored in classes, humanity discovered the ability to make these things called Reality Engines, which basically warp reality and can do ANYTHING. There were weapons, but also things like dishwashers that warped reality to clean, pens which never ran out of ink, giant mecha, instant translators, living cities, automatons, flying aircraft the size of entire towns, bullet trains that circled the globe in days...but somehow, everything collapsed, leaving society to barely recover to a level comparable to the late 1800's, these Reality Engines now buried and lost.

Thankfully the people of this conworld have slowly begun to uncover them. Most of what they have are weapons meant for one person to use, and nearly every character in a story I'm setting in this world has one. Weapons Reality Engines (or WRE's for short) are so damn powerful and buff their user so much that it is said that "One Reality Engine alone can change history itself". And they are ridiculous. Reality Engines allow their user to basically say "screw you" to the laws of reality, so they are often so over-the-top that they would be hilariously impractical in real life:

-The main character wields Justitita, a Lance WRE that possess a cannon inside of it. Said cannon has the power of a real cannon; she's just strong enough to endure the recoil.

-Another character wields Amaterasu-No-Tsurugi, a gunblade katana which fires bullets that are for all intents and purposes miniature katanas. It also has a "grenade" launcher that fires o-mikuji...that explode like grenades.

-Yet another character wields Neshokanabō, a...well, kanabō club that has a gasoline tank inside of it. It also has a shotgun facing towards the shaft on the handle; it is not used to fire at enemies though. Rather, you press a button to douse the club in gasoline, and then fire the shotgun to light the club on fire. Its name literally translates to "Combustion Kanabō".

-And, this being possibly the most ridiculous one I made so far, there's Mad Helios, named because even the people in-story thought it was completely absurd. Wielded by an incredibly strong female character, it is a dual-headed maul/sledgehammer poleweapon, which is spun around like a quarterstaff (she is just THAT strong). Not only that, both heads have shotguns inside of them. They are not used for firing at enemies. Rather, they are fired solely so that their recoil increases the speed of the weapon when spun; the fire from the shotguns and the spins she uses give it its name ("Helios" being Greek for "Sun"). Also, it has a sniper rifle on the end, and it has another shotgun on the other end, this one actually being used to fire at enemies.

Note that despite all of them having some sort of firearm capacity, not all Reality Engines have guns in them or are guns (another character wields a briefcase WRE, which houses a demonic beast that will destroy the world if let out for more than 10 seconds).

As you might expect, this conworld doesn't adhere to the laws of physics very strictly. Or, rather, it does, it's just that Reality Engines let you bypass them.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by thaen »

Chagen wrote:...stuff...
I see you haven't lost your taste for the insanely incredible :roll: [xP]
But I do really like the Mad Helios. I can just imagine someone taking out an army of footsoldiers with it, firing off shotguns to power through a clump of opponents whilst the shotgun pellets inadvertently take out a handful of other enemies.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Firebird766 »

Well, let's see...

In Newest Unnamed Conworld, the closest thing would be prayer. Yep, it's a world with legit, real gods and goddesses running around and they can seriously wreck stuff if they start feuding (though the most powerful ones tend to ignore human warfare in favor of warfare with their fellow deities). There aren't really any technological superweapons, though; the most powerful physical weapons are cannons.

In Unnamed Space World, the most powerful weapon available to most species (that is to say, just taking a spaceship and setting it to continually accelerate until it hits something) is just too expensive for the amount of damage it does. Antimatter-based explosives are much more feasible. Antimatter may be hilariously expensive by weight, but you don't need much of it to wreak a lot of havoc.

In addition, the Sufficiently Advanced Aliens in the setting have teleportation technology (which is derived from a very, very precise use of three-dimensional wormholes) that can move solar systems. And they have used it before, because a colony on the system in question was looking into a new FTL method that irritated them.

There's not a lot of use of either, though. The second most advanced alien species tends to put the kibosh on any attempts of any one nation to wield superweapons against another.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Khemehekis »

The Lehola Galaxy has table bombs. They're disguised as food, but once they enter a sapient being's or animal's stomach, they explode, killing him/her/them/xem/it.

The Kankonians invented them independently of some other planets. The Kankonian word for "table bomb" is khoshkaksith, khosh meaning table and kaksith meaning bomb. The Vigilante Squad sometimes uses them, and used them when they were attacked by the reptoids known as Ratharians a few millennia ago.

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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Pabappa »

Firebird766 wrote: 14 Oct 2014 18:46 In Newest Unnamed Conworld, the closest thing would be prayer. Yep, it's a world with legit, real gods and goddesses running around and they can seriously wreck stuff if they start feuding (though the most powerful ones tend to ignore human warfare in favor of warfare with their fellow deities). There aren't really any technological superweapons, though; the most powerful physical weapons are cannons.
My world is similar to this. Prayer is magic and worship is prayer. I have two perspectives for writing about the world, one in which the religion is assumed true and all historical happenings are directly overseen by the gods, and a euhemeristic one which does not deny the gods, but speaks only in concrete terms and attributes all activity to humans, animals, and nature.

When I was young I wrote about child superheros, with both physical and mental powers, living in the far future where space travel is commonplace and weapons are easy to get. Yet the superheros prefer to fight unarmed, in their street clothes, flying in unarmored spaceships or even just walking on the ground to get to their battles, because although they can be captured and confined by their enemies, they cannot be killed and therefore always eventually win their battle. So, even then, although I was not thinking about it consciously, I had magic that was superior to technology.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by elemtilas »

Khemehekis wrote: 19 May 2020 02:34 The Lehola Galaxy has table bombs. They're disguised as food, but once they enter a sapient being's or animal's stomach, they explode, killing him/her/them/xem/it.

The Kankonians invented them independently of some other planets. The Kankonian word for "table bomb" is khoshkaksith, khosh meaning table and kaksith meaning bomb. The Vigilante Squad sometimes uses them, and used them when they were attacked by the reptoids known as Ratharians a few millennia ago.
Well, now there's a thing!

Would appear that vigilantes the polycosmos through think alike. Here's an old tidbit from years ago:

There is the rather explosive history of Archon Selnam of Angera, who was separated from the bonds of this world in mid 1499. So fearful of assassination was he that he actually decreed that all dinner guests must wear nothing more than a simple white wrap around the waist -- no jewelry, no customary dirks or hair pins or knives or even forks on the table. Apparently, the earl of Westham, Jhenam, got so tired of having to wear a napkin to dinners consisting largely of mush and soup that he engaged the services of the Guild.

The assassin assigned to the case, having obtained an invitation to dinner, noted that Archon Selnam was quite fond of dried sweet snaps (a kind of plant native to the Eastlands, the leaves of which are sweet, but the dried pods of the seeds, though edible, are laced with a kind of highly volatile powdery substance. The seeds themselves are quite oily and very tasty.) Having noticed this, the assassin began to crush the dessicated husks, and casually toss heaps of the stuff along the table cloth leading over to the huge plate of sweet snaps sitting in front of the laughing Archon. Having begged a lucifer from one of the flunkeys, he easily lit up and flicked it into the trail of husks. The curiously reactive powder in the husks was immediately ignited, causing the whole trail to act as a fuse. This in turn wound up in the huge plate of dried snaps which immediately exploded in the Archon's face, thus incinerating him, much to the surprise of his guests who without hesitation took to screaching in their attempts to escape the now fully engulfed dinner table.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by lsd »

surely the best weapon is language, even my conlang avoiding speech acts...
it's true that artifacts are merely materialization of language...
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by elemtilas »

lsd wrote: 19 May 2020 19:27 surely the best weapon is language, even my conlang avoiding speech acts...
it's true that artifacts are merely materialization of language...
Can be indeed! But hidden within language there is a yet more insidious weapon. You know the old bromide:

sticks & stones may break the bones when cast with care and art
words will weal and rarely heal yet silence slays the heart.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Khemehekis »

elemtilas wrote: 19 May 2020 04:38 Well, now there's a thing!

Would appear that vigilantes the polycosmos through think alike. Here's an old tidbit from years ago:

There is the rather explosive history of Archon Selnam of Angera
Polycosmos? Is this the Greek analogue of "multiverse"? A fantastic story! But I searched Selnam's name and it seems you have never mentioned him on the CBB before.

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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by elemtilas »

Khemehekis wrote: 20 May 2020 02:37 Polycosmos? Is this the Greek analogue of "multiverse"?
Indeed! An alternative name for multiverse.
A fantastic story! But I searched Selnam's name and it seems you have never mentioned him on the CBB before.
Well, I believe we're still far from the point in time when even half of what I've found out has been revealed.

I'm sure I've mentioned Old King Crowelle before. Same mad country, Angera.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Reyzadren »

Well, there are magic spells that can delete entire existences and machineries that might disassemble the space-time-*higher continuum of universes, so I suppose these count as more than superweapons in my conworld.

Of course, the real question is, is one ready to fulfill the requirements, or how likely it is for their plans to be foiled.
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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by Khemehekis »

elemtilas wrote: 20 May 2020 04:04 Well, I believe we're still far from the point in time when even half of what I've found out has been revealed.

I'm sure I've mentioned Old King Crowelle before. Same mad country, Angera.
I couldn't find the name Crowelle searching this forum: search.php?keywords=crowelle

You have mentioned Angera before, though: Your old signature referenced a quote, "If we stuff the chicken back into the egg, will that make our problem go away?", attributed to an Angeran cxtizen whose name began with W.

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Re: Superweapons in Your Conworld / Connation

Post by elemtilas »

Khemehekis wrote: 24 May 2020 04:57 I couldn't find the name Crowelle searching this forum: search.php?keywords=crowelle

You have mentioned Angera before, though: Your old signature referenced a quote, "If we stuff the chicken back into the egg, will that make our problem go away?", attributed to an Angeran cxtizen whose name began with W.
Ah, Old King Crowelle. Had a particular knack, as you might say, for a particular kind of gruesome lawgiving. A merry old soul, by all accounts, and a mirthful air ever surrounded him. He took his statecraft seriously, and often attended the criminal courts personally. It's said he more than occasionally attended to the punishment courts as well, and called for his pipe and he called for his bowl, as some poor sod's eyeballs were scooped out with a spoon. From inside his nose.
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