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Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 30 Jul 2011 04:40
by Ànradh
Loyalist (despite my rather slim conlang, I have been refining it for some time...)

That said, the goal is to be a Filler as I started Iriex to act as a root for several regional languages in my conworld.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 30 Jul 2011 23:52
by Darkgamma
A Loyalist-Scrapper hybrid: I have a conworld with lots of peoples, but there are 9 languages that need making.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 07:04
by Sodomor
Scrapper. And it bothers me. I hardly ever make it to making words. :(

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 19:34
by Testyal
Damn my scrappiness.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 12:00
by MyghternTighrijd
Loyalist with aspirations of becoming a filler. Or something. :-P :-D

I have my one language. And there are the other ones I am using to fill out my world. As a result I haven't got much of any of them, but what I have, I like. :)

Just now I am concentrating on numbers, and counting systems. To give the cultures distinct flavours.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:03
by Constructor
I'm a scrapper, totally. I know what I want, conceptwise, but am taking forever to get anywhere, and reckon soon I'll abandon it for something more "by the book", so I can learn the right sequence of activities tolead to a conlang.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2011 13:04
by Chagla
Omg, everyone here seems to be the scrapping quality!

But yeah, +1 to that list!

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 01:36
by SLiV
I just realised I'm a Loyalist.

I have made several other languages, but I always keep faithful to Lurioneski. It's the only one that doesn't get boring at some point.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 04:34
by thaen
I'm filler-loyalist. I'm working on a quartet of languages (working on a fifth) for a conculture in a novel I'm writing. I think I've only scrapped one lang.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 02:35
by ketel
haha it's refreshing to see that so many people have "the scrapping problem"
filler/scrapper here... and addicted. I just cleaned out my my file cabinet and it regurgitated about two hundred more language fetuses... with maybe 5 to 20 words a pop
ew that imagery

...I've felt so alone :cry:
(then again I've never been a member of a conning community before)

although lately after reading a few threads on here I've become interested in loyalism and/or really dedicated fillerness.
I've done family trees before, it's just I'm really bored easily with the experimentation and I don't know how to change.
sadness, sort of.

Still not cool that OP glorifies loyalists though.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 02:37
by Zumir
haha it's refreshing to see that so many people have "the scrapping problem"
filler/scrapper here... and addicted. I just cleaned out my my file cabinet and it regurgitated about two hundred more language fetuses... with maybe 5 to 20 words a pop
ew that imagery
That actually made me laugh out loud. I am a sick, sick human being.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 02:41
by Micamo
I don't think being a scrapper's something to be ashamed of. Ultimately the purpose of almost all conlangs made here is to entertain you, the conlanger. Forcing yourself to continue working on something when you want to do something new is antithetical to that.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 05:59
by ketel
Zumir wrote: That actually made me laugh out loud. I am a sick, sick human being.
*pats back* there, there now. that makes two of us
Micamo wrote:I don't think being a scrapper's something to be ashamed of. Ultimately the purpose of almost all conlangs made here is to entertain you, the conlanger. Forcing yourself to continue working on something when you want to do something new is antithetical to that.
Oh, I didn't mean to say I was ashamed of it... more like annoyed by it.
I treat my conlangs/worlds like a relationship so I feel a little guilty by being unfaithful as soon as a new idea pops in my head.
for example whenever I think about making protolangs I end up being more distracted by the protolang than the original...rrrgh this happens to often >:

at the same time, yes, scrap-conlanging has been one of the greatest joys of my life, but then again I'm still young (:
(also wouldn't the dedicated approach be more experimental in this situation, if I've been scrapping on and off for six years? ;-) )

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 08:21
by Khemehekis
ketel wrote: Still not cool that OP glorifies loyalists though.
Well, my handle also points out a virtue of scrappers: they learn something new from each conlang they create.

But if I gave you the impression that I'm a loyalist, I'm not. I'm actually a filler. I have the Lehola Galaxy, complete with Kankonian, Hapoish, Cetonian, Shaleyan, Tentan, Hitan, Javarti, Palang, Bodusian, Kolothan and other languages, each spoken by its own people.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 00:41
by taylorS
Khemehekis wrote:Loyalists have one conlang, and probably have only ever made one conlang. They've worked on it for years on end, possibly 10 or 15 years. Maybe they started this language in their adolescence and are in their fifties now. The language becomes elaborate, with a large vocabulary and 100-page grammar, and is as finely polished as a crystal skull with the intricacies, quirks and exceptions to rules that have been given time to develop. As a result of sticking with this one conlang, they usually produce a masterpiece that wins the acclaim of other conlangers, and sometimes even non-conlangers.

Scrappers are the serial monogamists of the conlanging world. They'll get a seed of a conlang in their head, develop a preliminary phonology, toy with the aspects of grammar that interest them, create a few words, (possibly) dabble in giving it a conculture, decide they don't like it, scrap it, and start a new one. Lather, rinse, repeat. One of their conlangs may have only 33 words of vocabulary as of the time it gets dumped, and their vocabularies will certainly never reach the size of Itlani or Talossan. Often they do not have enough grammar to say "The girl ran smoothly past the gate", or possibly even to say "I love you" as of the time they are scrapped. Scrappers might create 50 or even 200 conlangs in their lifetimes, but will never produce anything approaching what a loyalist would create in its scale and depth. They learn a little something from the experience of each conlang they create.

Fillers take a conworld and fill it up with peoples who each speak their own language. This can be a country, a planet, a solar system or even a whole galaxy. If scrappers are the serial monogamists and loyalists are the faithful lovers of conlanging, fillers are the polyamorists. They have many conlangs, often forming phyla like Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic or Austronesian, with diversity in phonology, syntax and morphology across the different families and phyla. Since each language has a well-defined role -- being the official tongue of a people in their conworld -- fillers keep all their languages. Some can be more developed than others, even though a filler may create a Swadesh-type list for all of his or her languages, but even the less developed ones will never be deprecated. The final goal of fillers is to finish a world replete with peoples and languages.

What type are you?
I a mix of the Filler and Loyalist.

I have 2 diachronic conlangs (Alpic and Mekoshan), and one a-priori lang (Kanussetian).

Alpic is inspired by Jorg Rhiemeier's Old Albic, like Jorg's lang, it is from a "sister" family of IE and is active-stative.

Mekoshan is a descendant of American English for a sci-fi world I have in my head that I want to make into a sci-fi story if I can get the ambition.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 18:11
by Selinki
I'm probably a loyalist.
I have one conlang Selinki, although about 7-8 years ago I tried to make 3 more. I didn't like having more than one conlang, so I have only worked on one since then.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 20:58
by Batrachus
I'm a scrapper... Not only in conlanging, everywhere... But I got a nice idea cca 2 weeks ago (how long a time!) and I want to finish it and make few dialects, like a filler (I won't probably force myself to do that). But not too much, just a small language family, I'm definitely not a loyalist. Maybe I'm now feeling like a filler because I think about it much in my head, but I didn't write very much to my language documentation yet...

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 05 Apr 2012 01:44
by eldin raigmore
I already mentioned I'm a Loyalist, didn't I?
Have I mentioned that I'd like to be a Filler, but haven't become one yet?

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 08 Aug 2013 14:31
by Felbah
Probably moderate scrapper... Basically, my reasoning is that I want to see which Conlang that I make a; looks nicest, b; sounds nicest, and c; is the most interesting and unique. You may have once called me a loyalist, but I dabbled with Cyrillic characters too much without understanding them... I understand them now (thankfully) so I see that it was wrong to put a Cyrillic Г in place of an F. Hence, my worst creation; Old Felbahn. It has been laid to rest - never speak of it again...
I moved on, after creating a large lexicon, and decided to work on Elmoric. And then New Felbahn. Got bored on holiday and decided to work on Aaey... Have another unnamed one on the go... I am not proud of it, not by far. I simply want to see what comes out best after, say, 100 words. I may ask for help from part of this community. And then, I promise never...EVER... to be a scrapper again.

Re: What kind of conlanger are you?

Posted: 08 Aug 2013 23:43
by zee
I'm a scrapper-filler but I'd like to try and turn myself into a filler-loyalist.