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by Visinoid
02 Apr 2016 01:40
Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
Topic: Modern Irish (diachronics)
Replies: 2
Views: 1867

Re: Modern Irish (diachronics)

Yes, I tried comparing them, but it is more complicated than it looks. I wrote about the sound changes, but the grammar would also be interesting to know about. The verbal system changed a lot according to what I read about these two languages. I don't really post on the ZBB, so if you wanted to be ...
by Visinoid
01 Apr 2016 23:14
Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
Topic: Modern Irish (diachronics)
Replies: 2
Views: 1867

Modern Irish (diachronics)

Hi guys! It has been a while since I haven't posted on the CBB, but I'm reading posts every day, especially the conlang section. I have been looking for Irish diachronics for a little less than a year. I can't seem to find anything though. Yes, there is indeed a very extensive explanation of what ha...
by Visinoid
06 Aug 2015 06:22
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

How do you say "I have been studying" He estado estudiando? "to have been X-ing" llevar x-ando/-iendo So it should be "Llevo estudiando..." Puedo hablar algunas cosas en griego como esto: You said "I can speak something in greek." You probably mean "deci...
by Visinoid
05 Aug 2015 00:51
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 247574

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Je vous déconseillerais de vous fier au français contenu dans le PDF; les exemples sont truffés d'erreurs tant orthographiques que grammaticales, même ceux supposément dialectaux. [Après relecture du PDF, il n'y en a pas tant, mais quand même assez pour me demander si l'auteur a pris la peine de se ...
by Visinoid
17 Jun 2015 17:36
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

S'il y a une chose que j'adore plus qu'un débat au sujet de la grammaire, c'est une discussion animée au sujet de la grammaire et de la sémantique. It's not incorrect grammatically, but it sounds a lot like a foreign speaker. "Au sujet de" isn't the absolute translation of "about&quo...
by Visinoid
12 May 2015 15:48
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

La traduction de maori [nothing here] est bizarre; en revanche, la traduction de chinois en maori, c'est 'hainamana', ça vien t du mot anglais 'Chinaman'. The translation of Māori is weird, but on the other hand the Māori translation of Chinese is from the English word 'Chinaman'. It had the meanin...
by Visinoid
14 Apr 2015 22:39
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Je ne sais pas si je l'ai tué e , mais je crois que les guêpes commun e s en Nouvelle-Zélande sont des pestes organismes nuisibles introduit e s, et qu' elles ne contribuent pas beaucoup à l'environnement. En revanche s , les abeilles sont des insectes merveilleux. La N - Z est l'un des pays où leu...
by Visinoid
25 Mar 2015 20:50
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Peut-être que cette croyance est plus répandue chez toi. Maybe this knowledge is more widespread where you live. "Connaissance" ez doa benetan hora. Connaissance wasn't really fit there. Hemen jendea txinera hizkuntza gogorena dela uste du. Here the people think the hardest language is ch...
by Visinoid
28 Feb 2015 14:26
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Ah, j'ai vu cette option. Ça sonne bien à l'impératif ? Ah, I saw that option. Does it sound fine in the imperative? Agintean bada! It is in the imperative! Celui -ci/-là est très grand, mais il y a un "Photoshop job" évident à gauche, alors on ne voit peut-être pas le produit entier. J'a...
by Visinoid
25 Feb 2015 00:34
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

J'habite en dans les montagnes. Elles sentent bon . Il y a beaucoup d' arbre s . I live the mountain. Sois un avec la montagne. Be one with the mountain. Moi je vis dans un e [I'm sure this one is a typo.] banlieue et je conduis jusqu' à une vill...
by Visinoid
02 Aug 2014 23:47
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 247574

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Ah d'accord. Ta signature porte vraiment à confusion. Ton échelle est de droite à gauche. Continue ton apprentissage du français, mais oublie le passé simple... [>_<]
by Visinoid
02 Aug 2014 16:58
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 247574

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Salut tlm! C'est approprié de dire que ce thread est devenu mort? Dan, je veux vous raconter une petite histoire: Je suis né en Turquie d 'une mère qui vient d'une famille aristocratique iranienne, et je n' en sais pas beaucoup sur mon père. Nous (ma mère et moi) déménageâmes avons déménagé en Suis...
by Visinoid
20 Jul 2014 21:16
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Je voulai s dire que c'est tout ce que j'a vais fait [Past in the past] , plutôt que de/au lieu de dire ce que je v enais [Pastttttttttttt :C] de le faire. Souffre en silence et veux d is ce que je veux que tu di ses . Vouloir sounds out of place. It fits better in: Ex: -Master! I can't use this sp...
by Visinoid
04 Jun 2014 20:52
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Non lo so.
I don't know.

I personally don't think it's a patois. And our sense of identity is so strong you'd be lynched by Québeckers if you were telling them they're speaking a mere "patois". It has a derogative sense in French. A really strong one.
by Visinoid
04 Jun 2014 20:44
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Why wouldn't it be too?
Edit: OH! I get it. You're being a smartass. :3
Edit: I didn't know we couldn't use Québecker for the language. :|
by Visinoid
02 Jun 2014 20:52
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

I'll try my best Sorry, I couldn't help it. [xD] But what is the difference between "tant" and "tellement"? I was under the impression they were synonymous. Maybe they are. Reading what you said make me realise Il y a tant de chose s (yes, I derped the "s" in my previou...
by Visinoid
02 Jun 2014 17:21
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Voglio scappare del la realità, però non so come... It's actually "scappare dalla realtà " J'ai rencontré un problème similaire en apprenant les changements phonétiques entre le latin et les langues romanes. Il y a tellement de choses qu'on ne sait pas, mais parfois on constate /remarque ...
by Visinoid
28 May 2014 23:23
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Ah, je comprends. Mais pourquoi est-ce que ça s'appelle le Proto-Ombrique? Je voudrais quand même t'aider si tu le veux ou si jamais tu as besoin d'aide.
"il-elle" is only used for consistent, touchable things; except when it's personified.
by Visinoid
27 May 2014 01:29
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1039997

Re: Language practice thread

Quelle langue?? As-tu vu ma tentative de reconstruire la langue Osque? C'est dans ma sig[nature]. Mais je n'ai pas travaillé dessus depuis/ça fait quelques mois...
Attente = The act of waiting for something
Ex: Temps d'attente = Waiting period