griushkoent conlang thread

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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Summer 2022 griushkoent update!

Slow Sappy Singalong Serenade Song Summer Saturday

* Song: shurvi yujonreb
* Song: shuryuji
* Book: kegfesh blajs
* Translation: Tiberio Madonna
* Video game: griushkoent exploration
* Voice: aeskae syrt varan yoiz

Song: shurvi yujonreb


Happy endless. Sung in griushkoent.
shurvi yujonreb

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
sar tridar, vuzh zhe tas
vaezh shurv kalz, vaezh ngyzhlison
ostae spaeti haub zhed aenyalsand
tuj koen shviamand shai

un az aeskes caus erae zhe oezi zir
ut az aeskes at yibia zhae
oc az guldi bruap thakan skend, zher es kin ara vae ?

uvisdae kaenshon, kaensh aeida raib
iuz zhe rioundae evis, evis sar kaensh uayan zheg
konsh zida zoti iac
kon shurvi yujonreb
un aeskae zhasken glaeibar aeskes
hins brith koensha yons

gauk az kraj
tulganor az uvzaei
oc raes slia rulva ur deta ost
zher xedshan zhegae stevo

Song: shuryuji


Endless. Sung in griushkoent.

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
spaezhen az kinsh kan briala skain
doinsian ost, ostae haemon giuthan
ost jiaka, trida
skanszaeil kinsh

ut gaevkzaeil, shur zida tuj kiyaez zhae zher
roidon kon kinsh kana vuzhon
zhua skanszaeil, kinsh daega skuyain gau

aeskae yalk az slungi, haemon uvos az stens ur thaeirg
aeskae roid az uvos, aeskae gaevksior shurvos hauka

zhuiczaeil tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan
zaeilsor tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan

spaezhen az aevaeir az stensziden
cithspaezhan ost, ikgout zher shurrygan
az shurvosdaei, zhae az
zhae aevaeir

aeskae yalk az slungi, haemon uvos az stens ur thaeirg
aeskae roid az uvos, aeskae gaevksior shurvos hauka

zhuiczaeil tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan
zaeilsor tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan

zhuiczaeil tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan
zaeilsor tuza aendaega, yalroek koen shuryuji rygan

Book: kegfesh blajs


"Ah, another one of those books from the narou region."
"Yep, fascinating how they craft with those tools and skills in their lives."
"Why are you are so interested in that magicless place anyway? Everything runs on magic, you know."
"What if there is no more magic? You know, like during the Night When Magic Stops. It's good to be prepared."
"Well, that hasn't happened since hundreds of years, and I'm quite sure people will figure something out."
"But, don't you want to have the satisfaction of knowing that you did this all by yourself?"
"...No," the librarian stared then rolled his eyes.

Technical skill book from the narou region.
kegfesh blajs

Translation: Tiberio Madonna


A short story by Tiberio Madonna was translated into griushkoent, as well as additional poems by him and others. Visit his blog to see more of his stuff.

Tiberio Madonna translation

Video game: griushkoent exploration


You just moved to a new town where everyone speaks another language. Explore the area to learn some words for self-preparation.
This game uses both English and the griushkoent conlang.

Get the game from Also avaiable as a web browser app.
Download link. (Windows; 70MB)

Voice: aeskae syrt varan yoiz

A few months ago, the griushkoent translation of My Country is a Ghost by Eugenia Triantafyllou is released: Link.

Now, a voice recording is available for the first few paragraphs. Romanisation shown below.
aeskae syrt varan yoiz
vozh shiaiv slia ruikkauza yoizmar ki thusti syrt, raes vyzhona aentuzan zhols fegzoulke. raes is aedou ijkiga marae gaukgroug un zaeil.

[ost klitha yoiz urva ?] suazhan zoulkyavsoigstevae. raesae ykej paeirza loend. raes thaugi rulkgleba jaeb muisk raes skaera yoiz vozh ijrent. zhae er zidan iuk jaz. raes kauza shiaivae jaz zher toduaya uayil raesae horish.

[oc raes shur gauka vuzh zhegtas, zher vocoz kaensh hiraeia ost] zhae stevae kiga. raesae liuz az shuroshaeind ika raes talz ara zhe is kous zhe ual. shiaiv rauga zhae stevae vozh zhae vozhon. raes oth reca yoiz zhed gauska raes hetha ki roil un wusesa vozh raes haema peti un shuzoura vozh shaeta. uts, raes oth kauza shiaivae yoiz.

loend hiosrygan. raes aenkoen shiaiv spaezha un halva noil. raes kan eshsula zher hetha ki roil vaezh kauza jaz. esha ki raesae shurvyaldroesen un skanszaeil zhed koensh oshefan raes urs koen zira vuzh jithi tung zher tuza shurkliabi yaeibsh vozh shuigs vazh aevaeiri un yoizmar eshpludan. shiaiv kin daega thusti er vuzh thusti syrt un shur reca athaut.

zhaegziagi yoiz oezspaezhan ik shurshaeten. kanzhostienuayilen az haut un retens.

shiaiv gledat uar hin zhe ut roidat kinsh aentsa eshpluda mar.

raes zaefa jaz ki aelti stevae zher aenkoen uar yavyurda vuzh tung iki taki ihstaesk aenzira.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 17 Oct 2023 23:49, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Autumn 2022 griushkoent update!

* Collab: Khemehekis song
* Song: uvus
* Translation: souyi un ilz yuhi
* Story: kleshorgluc
* Voice: kleshorgluc

Collab: Khemehekis song


Reyzadren and Khemehekis sang together in a CBB collaboration! The song is sung both in Kankonian and griushkoent. Khemehekis owns the Lehola galaxy with all sorts of planets, biota and cultures. His conlang, Kankonian, is well known to have more than 80000 word entries. Check out his website here, and subscribe to his youtube channel.

At the back of the brown body parts that I use to see.
Pal Hames Bwolwu Santz (CBB collab)

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original griushkoent script link.
Remember, red=Reyzadren, blue=Khemehekis.
CBB collab lyrics romanisation wrote: ouououou ououou
ouou ouou

Kam adaz en leken
Hel sayupbein ar en
Is geshen shil ma ilt; oshmul en wowum
Wir geselen oshurm
Ma lashans oel turm
Kegzong, oor bam meyez az en halum

Os wahazas weishan
Nos phizur
Os wahazas abvodshum

Ham tzenethas redet
Ohas hekrashizas
Is os wahazas osatz ham
Wir os as ad lasig
Is sefir seras strantz
Na ham zadara mui sukauros plantz
Pal hames bwolwu santz

at kiga zheguvas
staucsia oxoersia
ost uthhuirian
at talzen vazh zhuic
shaiae uayen
az aeskae zhae glytheder
kendsi glaeshen ut az caeimae shurvunsond

kansh klenga shai
kansh pesha shai
at kansh il ysgiana

aedou aesk zidan zheg
aesk at ilzi klezan
shuror az koensh, glyth az koensh
aesk kyda oevsendaei
haemon il orezan
ost kinsh fusha jiska bliaae kaeing
degs aeskae kluari aun

Zengotuet ad yau uspis
Is nawandas zhiis non rekid
Em id ar astrangas is
Os sukaur er, os er fanfer
Aus, nodoi
Aus, nodoi
| at skanszaeil koensh

aedou aesk zidan zheg
aesk at ilzi klezan
shuror az koensh, glyth az koensh
aesk kyda oevsendaei
haemon il orezan
ost kinsh fusha jiska bliaae kaeing
degs aeskae kluari aun

Ham tzenethas redet | aesk zidan zheg
Ohas hekrashizas | at klezan
Is os wahazas osatz ham | varsengaroe shurrygandae
Wir os as ad lasig | kyda oevsendaei ost
Is sefir seras strantz | haemon il orezan
Na ham zadara mui sukauros plantz | ost kinsh fusha jiska bliaae kaeing
Pal hames bwolwu santz | degs aeskae kluari aun

Song: uvus


All places. Sung in griushkoent.

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
aeidoebzar zhae hins kan jiskan aesk
zhae ostae yav hiraeisaind aron
un vozh aesk zauska zher, ost kinsh zidan
ut vozh aesk trida zher, ost kin zidan
vuzh uvusdaei

yav kigar kancauvvaezhon
yav kigar ostae vezhon un autnaek
vezh aeskae jisk uvs kous
ost shur zidan
vozh aeskae trid uvs kous
ost aeist zidan

vezh ost zidan uvus iuz aesk
vozh aesk braeiga aun, zher ost jiskan
talz shiraae oevsen
zhed aesk aendaercan

yavshiran aesk zhas ostae aenhaemor
aesk gaevki spaezha
zhae hauzi ost
aesk pesha shai, erdask il gaeban
aesk slia gaerta aeskae taushhaemon
slia gaerta taush

vozh ostae ster kujan
aesk ijshira vozh zhae
zhe ijiukae dioug
aesk kan zaera shai
ost uvos zuika aesk
aesk roida zhaed zhae kinsh asa
vazh shursoena kiroe
aesk uvos haema zhe

vezh ost zidan uvus iuz aesk
vozh aesk braeiga aun, zher ost jiskan
talz shiraae oevsen
zhed aesk aendaercan
vezh ost zidan uvus iuz aesk
vozh aesk zaera kleng
ost klengand aesk
talz shiraae oevsen
zhed aesk aendaercan

ost az jiskaae uvis
zhaez kigar
ost jiska aesk urva ?

Translation: souyi un ilz yuhi


Translation of the novella Silently and Very Fast by Catherynne M. Valente.
souyi un ilz yuhi

Story: kleshorgluc


The short story Proof by Induction by José Pablo Iriarte, is translated into griushkoent.
The poem A Song From Bedlam by Nike Sulway, is also translated into griushkoent.

Awards griushkoent translation 2021

Voice: kleshorgluc

A voice recording is available for the first few paragraphs of the short story above, as translated from Proof by Induction. Romanisation shown below.
tiro yuhia ki ivaecgilp yuhkiyaez raeses ovtulgan ut ashzira yuhshai kiyaez kana jiska raesae parae juisk. zhae er mauza rauk ut raes shur shaeta oezfeg. oc slyce zidan vuzh zheg un shaz vuzh rizipcol vaezh raesae par, zher gathi az raes at gauka. zhae er shurhaemi yavaeista raesae ruk.

vozh raes jaezha, smajbrangsoigstevae deska slaeib [petoz].

[aeist] raes yav oezkiga muisk hoiza raesae zhaskkluvs. raes zursha naingerdask [kon dundind suazh ut shai az va ?].

zhae yilge ralpa uar [shai, aeskes hetha ki colgroug zhed ostae par gauka, shuroc ost shur steka]. raes zaera yurda muisk kiga [kan iuka raesae ovvazhnazh zher pliga ur kiga skuyain ivas ur suazha ivas daig raesae gauk].

tiro hiraeia muisk jez ijjiska oczhaed zida kebrek kaejeae jakouae detzherens zheds zhae seyesan aentsan raes. tiroae par az ijmuntkaeje vuzh vazhi ijmunt zhaez raeses gathi kyn az ovhaemi. zhois, raes shur zaulsa zhe jakouae kinvyzhon. kebrek ziduvsan raesae telnekvasesplud. uns, raesae shurshuvi ijskilgsoums un uvs nast deti ijnuld, raesae othyaldkoenziden at az deti. raeses at az il deti shai.

tiro zaupa iuk rizipcol. raes shur gathia kazoepen ut shaeiz daerca zhaed par yav kan zauga aun. raes shur talz xaushi zidan gauki dutnad iki zhe. raes buzaei kuja ur shur urva ? tiro todstera raesae moiroek.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 27 May 2024 03:41, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Khemehekis »

Reyzadren wrote: 05 Sep 2022 00:07 Collab: Khemehekis song


Reyzadren and Khemehekis sang together in a CBB collaboration! The song is sung both in Kankonian and griuskant. Khemehekis owns the Lehola galaxy with all sorts of planets, biota and cultures. His conlang, Kankonian, is well known to have more than 80000 word entries. Check out his website here, and subscribe to his youtube channel.

At the back of the brown body parts that I use to see.
Pal Hames Bwolwu Santz (CBB collab)

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original griuskant script link.
Remember, red=Reyzadren, blue=Khemehekis.
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Check it out, folks! I'm going to put it up on my YouTube channel soon, and now I know how to pronounce Reyzadren's name!
Song: uvus


All places. Sung in griuskant.

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
I love this song! And I correctly guessed from the paraphrase "all places" which song it was, even before I listened to it and found out I was right!

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: 92,000 words and counting

31,416: The number of the conlanging beast!
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Yep, that's correct, but you mispronounced the place name in the video this time [:P]

Oh well, you tried. Here's your participation trophy 🏆
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Khemehekis »

Reyzadren wrote: 14 Sep 2022 23:46 Yep, that's correct, but you mispronounced the place name in the video this time [:P]
[O.O] So it's not /aseritounum/?
Oh well, you tried. Here's your participation trophy 🏆
As a Millennial, I'm supposed to love participation trophies!


Come to think of it, so are you!

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: 92,000 words and counting

31,416: The number of the conlanging beast!
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

It's /'asəritɔnum/

Nah, not really for me, but here, take more 🏅
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Winter 2022 griushkoent update!

* Song: maedshsi thafen
* Song: auzakroe
* Novel: ykgloemae yoiz
* Translation: Book Dash
* Pictures

Song: maedshsi thafen


Naughty lover. Sung in griushkoent.
maedshsi thafen

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
daei, az aeskae uthpreke
az aeskae xuige
az ostae kaulen
kauzar kauzar

daei, az aeskae ilz pivi zhaeth
az aeskae ilz diougi er
shai arsa vaezh thafor
kigar kigar

aeskae cezaepsain er
yav kigar zhae yalk
vazh uvaen gaugion
aeskes kuja, kuja kan

aeskae cezaepsain er
ost zota aeskae xosh
vozh aeskes koen oezia
zher az xuigsiorzaeil

sar, aeskes zirar ki daej
houta, un gysha vaezh coengzhursh
ost az aeskae zhae er
maedshsi thafen

sar, ost az juiskuayilen
sar nah, aesk kin zaefa kroeb ki ost
kin ara thusti mynden
maedshsi thafen

houta, gysha
maedshsi thafen

stense, juiske
thusti mynden

shaioshae at thoudan
zhe suailddernep az klezidaei

oui stevoer, oui stevaeer
at az shai raes kalsekia jiska ost

raik eks raik az caus, thafen
ost eks aesk az fiab, thafen

aeskae ilzskuyain er, aeskae ilzjaeizain er
aesk kin kana rilp hin ost
sar ost kun cuikar zhae

oui koenthylzi are, ost az kigfulvi er
aesk az ostae uvzenaen. daega talaefsi causen

sar, aeskes zirar ki daej
houta, un gysha vaezh coengzhursh
ost az aeskae zhae er
maedshsi thafen

sar, ost az juiskuayilen
sar nah, aesk kin zaefa kroeb ki ost
kin ara thusti miand
maedshsi thafen

Song: auzakroe


Hail, hail, ice deity. Sung in griushkoent.

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
vozh shaishuig, aeskes kin jaugia
kigar ki raibae er, ostes kaensh gauska

vozh shaigau, zhas koenzaeil yehiand
zhaez aeistar kanain tirf, aeskae uv tegcith

vozh shaishuig, zhas is zaeil zhostan stens
naldsi tung yurdanar, vazh yijsin kinvuzhon

vozh shaigau, zhas yalroek odyuanar
zidain kunencom ashhiraeian uv

oezaeidi stualp zida zhae
uv zhae staiparandor
cauki skautssuryzend yershan
ik slungi skairoel, gysha

zhae auzakroe az zhe
shaiyavind yurkaind az zhe
koen suryza, koen suryza

uv skuya zira ki zheg
shaiyavind yurkaind zheg
koen suryza, koen suryza

zhae auzakroe az zhe
shaiyavind yurkaind az zhe
koen suryza, koen suryza

kuthdae, nerki nerki kuth vozhan
gloedzi gloedzi hodan aeskes
shai sar yav ruski coengzhursh sar nofandar

uv koenshen shai hilaeganar, koenshen
riungki riungki rebi arar
ostae uv maulien hilaeganar

ost uvzaei retar gysha vaezh uv
vozh shaigau, zhas uv kinsh shunonan
uvis gysha, shur thakana vazh kin

az caus nuld, oezi kanan uv
spedain verpoe koen roica
aeskes huriar un prekiar
ik slungi skairoel, gysha

zhae auzakroe az zhe
shaiyavind yurkaind az zhe
koen suryza, koen suryza

uv skuya zira ki zheg
shaiyavind yurkaind zheg
koen suryza, koen suryza

zhae auzakroe az zhe
shaiyavind yurkaind az zhe
koen suryza, koen suryza

Novel: ykgloemae yoiz


Translation of Ghosts by Jeff Grubb et al..
ykgloemae yoiz

Translation: Book Dash

When I joined CBB in the beginning, one of my first things that I started to translate were picture books for little kids. Now, after many years, I am bringing back some of these stories.
Book dash 2021

Extra content: Fiction and poetry from Vince Allison and Aaron Fingtam et al..
diougelg touils


Shopping pictures with the griushkoent script all across town.





Last edited by Reyzadren on 26 Feb 2024 05:41, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Vaktoejuiz /'vaktɯdʒuiz/ is the current king of aseritonum, according to the great timekeeper. His element is taund /'taund/ (equivalent to water), he is a humanoid creature and he is known for using region magic. He is bilingual in griushkoent and ujiog /'ʊdʑɪɒG/ which is an unusual language that has grammatical pense (place-ense instaed of time-ense tense).

An amateur insight machine tried to visualise a picture of vaktoejuiz king. It wasn't very successful, but there is just enough resemblance.


/ʂɪ'pɹæɪtʰk'ʊ ɓʌkʼ'tʰœdʑʊɪð/
doer.G2-lead-augment-S1.G2 BAKTeJUIdh
(Vaktoejuiz king's name and title in ujiog)

Image Image

iar, zaeradaei.
/'iar, 'zeradei/
A-V-IMP, start-V-T3-POSS-A
Let's do it! (griushkoent script, left)

dhrUdhILXe InyUOS.
/ðɾʊ'ðɪɭXœ 'ɪɲʊɒʂ/
start-G1.T1-G1.P2-G1.M3-epenthesis 3SG-reversion.G1-factive.G1
Let's do it! (ujiog script, right)

(G1 = Common gender, G2 = Neutral gender, T1 = Morphosyntax marker with qudit=1, P2 = Outdoor/workplace aka Pense with qudit=2, M3 = Optional additive mode with qudit=3, S1 = Substantiator mode with qudit=1)

Aeiyioul opened her eyes and streched herself. She had not felt so good since sleeping for a few gautulgaen back-to-back. If only she could sleep for a thousand years more, but alas, duty calls. In fact, she recalled that her best slumber was a good hundred years, in a carriage somewhere near nowabo city. It was dark and cozy just like a coffin.

She passed through her blanket and hovered up from the bed, and then onto the floor of the selfroom. As a ghost, she had no feet, but she was in a joyous mood today so she hovered in a jutting-like fashion almost as if she was walking. She moved around the room and started singing gracefully.

A few steps towards the bedside table, and the blue birds sang with her. A few more steps towards the other side of the wall, and the mice danced to her words. There, just across the room, she could see the glimmer of morning dispersed straight to her eyes. Just a little more humming and trotting, and she untied the curls that kept the curtains and window closed.

She walked out of her room into the balcony overlooking the ocean. The horizon was clear today. It had only been a few days, but she was getting used to staying with luxury at the royal castle. She took in the sights and sounds, but then she saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned to see it and was shafted.

Vaktoejuiz waved to her while he walked shiningly and brimmingly on the air. He had a dark blue zeyouzh that draped down to his right leg, and had sturdy gymiv trousers on. The colour scheme of his clothing matched her frontal stripe and apparitional hue today. He then walked onto the balcony and leaned against the curtained wall to talk to her.

"Aeiyioul, guess what I did today?" Vaktoejuiz loudly spoke to her within earshot as if carrying a package of fan mail.

"Vaktoejuiz did, hmm..." Aeiyioul brushed a few strands of hair coming down her left cheek with her fingers while pre-empting his next words.

"Nothing!" Vaktoejuiz said brashly with a wide smile. Aeiyioul merely looked away non-chalantly, though this was not anything surprising to her. She was already familiar with her friend's personality, and tried to be slightly uplifting.

Though they had been friends since many years ago, this was pretty much the first time any one of them were working in any capacity amongst official ranks and with the associated task force within the royal castle. It was work whenever there was work on the scene, but never any sort of long-term responsiblity on such a large scale. In his younger years, Vaktoejuiz worked with a lighting maintenance crew on an intermanifoldal ship as his day job, while she herself dealt with organising the nuts and bolts of alignment arrays from the stars and the moons to harvest cosmic energy for these sorts of vehicles. They were just like everyone else. Useful people with useful skillsets, for the grand nature, one and all.

He gesticulated another time. The Garejarhoarst spell. He raised himself forward onto an imaginary step while kouloer curving and stringing out from it. The waters that sprout out from the avasi final destination of yonder had an ethereal gleam on its apparently thin surface which spread out from the balcony towards the furthest edge of the bed in the selfroom. All this in under half an uzhaen.

It was one of Vaktoejuiz's region magic. In the air, wherever he stepped on, it materialised into a translucent walkable surface, but only for him. He could walk on yet-to-be-materialised air just like a platform or walk upwards and downwards as if walking on a staircase. In other cases, he is able to form magical bridges, rivers, hills and chasms from afar, but that is not all he can do with it. That, and he has lots more of abilities than just region magic that change some facets of the field spatially, but this is the one thing that most people know him by.

Incidentally, the miyaete ovklavspludsaen (enchantor's workers guild) is an organisation whose members practise region magic as one of their main magic branches of choice while also distributing such services to the public, and they are established all across the country and beyond its borders.

Vaktoejuiz had never attended school, and she had always known this. While education in aseritonum is relatively freestyled compared to other places, and indeed it was not uncommon at all to see someone who just learned things on-site, aeiyioul had never heard of any king who had never completed at least some sort of academic tutelage with accredited curricula. Science and magic make up the world, and creatures utilise various skills to improve the lives of others, what more a person of grand importance.

She stared at him hovering in front of her, just slightly less than 1 jithaen above the balcony. She was not impressed, "Your form factor is clumsy. And, your methodative cast is too long. Just a few ashzhoul uzhaen more, and you could be ended!"

After all, Vaktoejuiz had never learnt how to teleport. From her perspective, it would seem silly that one would learn such type of terrain-based magic yet not complement it with another suitable type. Sure, there are people out there who don't usually do so, but as king, such simple defensive measures ought to be required for safety. For one, a king falling to his own death is just embarassing, and would be a played-up joke in a historical textbook.

"Yes, well, what do you want?" Aeiyioul gave a cold yet neutral talk showing no interest whatsoever.

"I'm here to invite you to come with me on the specel quest."

Aeiyioul just stared at him. She then proceeded to school him, "You do realise, Vaktoejuiz, that you are now king of aseritonum. You don't have time to pursue frivolous trifles such as these. You are not a tramp anymore. Eventhough, you know, the bounty is good. But everything is free! Besides, the OE277 quest and its related specel subquests are never completed because they are almost impossible. Look, point is, you are a king. You have duties, you can't just do anything you please."

OE277. She recognised that quest filing number. In fact, she and most of the daring heroes in eraethysoer city would of come across OE277. It involves a long journey to udaeirsh, to the false shrine at the ijpraeibae ijgrougtasend (Edge Of Sanity), amongst other things. Too difficult to be worth their time. Most folk see the omnipresent listing through their zadnget or equivalent browser devices. However, she still prefers to check the wooden boards inside her light chest of wonders, mail delivered to her personally by gyry, small burrowing keys with wings. She considers it important to not lose the intimate creature-to-creature interaction.

Thuasdriazh false shrine

Vaktoejuiz thought for a little while then raised his finger to respond to that, but before he could even do that, aeiyioul cut him off "Yes, yes, I know, technically, you can do whatever you want. Including, taking on this quest."

"As king, that would be my first self-appointed duty. This quest has been on the board for so long, surely, if it was that difficult, it meant that nobody could complete it. We should totally resolve it for the sake of the requesters," he tried to rationalise his choice with her but she seemed unfazed. She pursed her lips.

"And, just who are you going with on this quest?" She walked over to the small putation table by the wall, facing away from him near the curtain. She telepathically told the coffee machine which drink she selected. It proceeded to pour the brown liquid down into a handled polystyrene cup. It hopped onto her hands. She took a sip of rilaeij. Mm, the taste of rilaeij is unlike any other, especially when one could not obtain one in foreign lands, it is the perfect reminder of home.

"You, of course," Vaktoejuiz cheerfully said. She immediately spat her drink out miratively. Quickly, she tried to unchoke herself and grabbed a handkerchief from her luminescent clothes to wipe the stain from her mouth, then regained her composure. With a cynical tone, she asked "Me? Can't you go with zatharken?"

"I asked him already. There was no decision yet."
"And, what about thaegniot?"
"She is on friendsday vacation."
"Same thing, ze never gets back on time."

She dabbed the flap on her collar a few more times. "See, this is a you problem. You reply to messages late yet you expect others to get back to you quickly."

"Well, I get things done quick, and I'm here upon you now, right at your window step" he looked at her straight in the eye with an amusementless confident stare.

She paused for a few seconds, before giving a somewhat diplomatic response "Well, now that you are here, I have received your...uh, invitation. I shall consider your request in due time. Let me think about it after my rejuvenation. Give me some time."

Vaktoejuiz did a double on-point gesture at her, affirming. Aeiyioul and vaktoejuiz looked at each other without any action from both, then she continued on from her previous sentence "and space."

"O, oh, alright then, sure thing. Call me when you do," his hands moved to show himself out. More illuminated glass tiles appeared on the side of the walls, and he walked on them, then turning right, disappearing from line of sight. The tiles magically disappeared as per him stepping up out of each with bright white particulates sparkling, matching the balcony tiles of aeiyioul's room.

She shook her palm and sighed after he was out of her sight. Then, she resumed her promenade and song that was before. One phrase after another, and the blue birds would continue to fly around her and onto her arms. Yet another floating and leaping, and ivies grew along the cracks of the brick wall in accord to the tune.

One more step and there was gallant floating all across the selfroom to the attached removalroom. Once, before moving in to the royal castle, she had always wanted a double room such as this one. It was told to her, however, that usually these are not available. It was only after a few bribes and wustas that she finally obtained the room. "By request only, my ass" she remembered telling to herself after finally obtaining said room. She longed for some wholesome me-time, the removalroom with her own jacuzzi, and little sachets of not-so-overpiercing freshments of the tuiag trees from aehiansh province, aeh, so soothing.

She opened the door.

Lifts and elevators ascended and descended the vertical rails on walls which supported them. The walls extended all the way to the left and right as far as the eye can see. Rats hurriedly crawl inside the transparent pipes, and shroilpuizh bulleting themselves up the tubes. Between the small platform from her room that she stood on was darkness in front of her and beyond.

Ectoplasmic blood raged very much within her until she let out a loud shout as far as the breath can reach, "Vaktoej!"*


Note: *In native griushkoent culture, names are never shortened. Thus, here it is considered an insult.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 04 Sep 2023 10:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Storybook: krelsneyot


Narou lash part 2. (Mementoes of the monsoon season)
A traveller's additional journal notes in the land where there is barely any magic.

Translation: uarkegor

The short story D.I.Y. by John Wiswell, was translated into griushkoent.
The poem The Bookstore by Beth Cato, was also translated into griushkoent.

These are subsumed into the pile of current running translations: uarkegor (page 81+)

A voice recording is available for the first few paragraphs of the short story above, as translated from D.I.Y.. The romanisation is shown below.
uarkegor (voice)
erae suazhsen az shoihyae kynvezhon daig shuraeista ugiamshb ijmunt. raesdae uayilshiren az shirenskuyen. taeyaish az raes az shurglizhi. caeim az kaeniuka ugiamshb az shoihyae daezh. shoihy ilz il skuya zhur engaen er.

daei, raesae liugae uaryehae raesae zidon. paeda vuzh marae uarki sunae paergi degpaedend un xuigi vurshsa vezh zhae er klitha raes stepa aezrinezouv. raes taki plida nezouvgoufs vaezh uvzhe ster hins kinsh shroda.

raes yavkiga ki mar [daei, thuno shur shaeta pebet].

mar yavkiga [thuno az vi ?].

raes bedgyza [thoe u ni o. raes oezxedsha yalroek. kaeja vuzh ugiamshb].

[daeksi. raeina marae kig urva ?].

shoihy thaugi paeda iksi zhae er deti kiga [mar. raes shur reca viulyg].

[daega neckylze ut shur shaeta pebet urva ?].

shoihy zaera klengstaipsa iki duk zidan juth. raes kiga [kan aenxifla shuij. vozh evos, raes zhosta doiththylz hin sopaeicsae uv doithes huiga hin raes. vozh at shurlaezhi, raes thylza uarae doith hin kan skisa oezhuiga oeza pelfy. uvaens shurv pebet. shira raesae zhosten urva ?].

[klengar vaezh yroer].

noil shoihyae haeth eshplida nezouvgoufs. nofsa iki dyrga skansdoyaesk [raes brengka vaezh uarae ster].

skansxaush coikonjersh daega vozgel zher raesae mar oenesta hin ryga. shoihyae klengstaips zhera shurskisi tuv vuzh zhae shaeizel coikonjershae thak. shaz zowuis. raesae moiroek ovraedsa vuzh paedend zher raes taki xausha aezrinezouv ki yef. raes giana tuv. raes kiga [thuno kin zhoevka xilv. aesk kin roesa].

I moved some files around, so some of the links in this thread were broken.
This is a record for myself with these edits as of 6.2023.
ykgloemae yoiz (Translation: Ghosts)

taloem (Translation: The pearl)

klustespalven riounds (Translation: Paper menagerie, Mama we are zhenya your son, Fields of gold, Sauerkraut station, The sea king's second bride, Peach-cramed honey) (Filename change from haerkzhound)
2024 EDIT: Re-arranged. Check update notes.

souyi un ilz yuhi (Translation: Quietly and very fast)

ijfenslef riounds

thuzhgjaevvazhen riounds (Filename change from plirjaevvazhen)

stihkuja prab


degs gaeirae (Typo whoops!)

soigjilk riounds



vurshzuik riounds

yavklez riounds (Filename change from iantklez)

kaelais skairoel


Other files: No change.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 27 May 2024 03:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Collaboration: rebin yujon


Reyzadren and Khemehekis sang together in a CBB collaboration! The song is sung both in Kankonian and griushkoent. Khemehekis owns the Lehola galaxy with all sorts of planets, biota and cultures. His conlang, Kankonian, is well known to have more than 83000 word entries. Check out his website here, and subscribe to his youtube channel.

Joyful finality.
Kezin az Yalizeyas (CBB collab)

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original griushkoent script link.
Remember, red=Reyzadren, blue=Khemehekis.
CBB collab lyrics romanisation wrote: Nos kezin az yalizeyas
Nos kezin az yalizeyas

Wir eafeyet
Ayinakran as gurez
Mahan ziyen as fas ad
Faz o fas ad oyez?

Os smukhet shil shwoli
Bad na is fuiras gehez
Er luthis az
Os anas argas meyez

Ar en hales gilas azad is
Kardasen yakh wir e

Ar en halis, halis azid is fuiren
Dospezen, av yau pilakh na wir hambiren
Hales tzelomes oshoki laitzartas va efish
Ar keyesen, umbe steyas
Nos kezin az yalizeyas

Nos kezin az yalizeyas

dubsi stens zidan, zhae kigen shiran
zhaed kyns az aesk gaevksia, ut uvzaei uv
ut, aesk shur fikan, zhua ost fikan urva ?
ostae uv aenruikain zhaeth, uv zhae xuthi aron

ost az aeskae uv kydaae uv
un kyda kandaegen

ost az uvzenaen, uvzenaen zhed skuyan aesk
aeskes koen daega buzaeen, ut eshkana
uv zidain retens zhed ilz shaskia aesk, yav hauka
gauzhenzaeilost shur az caeimen
at shur zida rebin yujon

E siniz dyu ar en nekaktel
Auyakh is aesh as dwidel
Blank is kureshen oor bein ad ar
Izar non ovai shehel na is
Mui emiya az ham as spais
Am bayis en splen kaluk kar

raes az uvzenaen, uvzenaen zhed skuyan aesk
aeskes koen daega buzaeen, ut eshkana
uv zidain retens zhed ilz shaskia aesk, yav hauka
gauzhenzaeilost shur az caeimen
at shur zida rebin yujon

Ar en halis, halis azid is fuiren
Dospezen, av yau pilakh na wir hambiren
Hales tzelomes oshoki laitzartas va efish
Ar keyesen, umbe steyas
Nos kezin az yalizeyas

Nos kezin az yalizeyas | at shur zida rebin yujon
Nos kezin az yalizeyas | at shur zida rebin yujon

Translation: ijpeshsonzeroeke riounds


Several stories were translated into griushkoent:
Immersion by Aliette de Bodard
The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species by Ken Liu
Portrait of Lisane da Patagnia by Rachel Swirsky
The Finite Canvas by Patrick Nielsen Hayden
The Curator Speaks in the Department of Dead Languages by Megan Arkenberg
In the Astronaut Asylum by Kendall Evans and Samantha Henderson, etc

Link: ijpeshsonzeroeke riounds

2024 EDIT: Re-arranged. Check update notes.

Request: staipnazh
eldin raigmore wrote: 05 Jan 2018 00:59 Will you have any Roald Dahl stories translated into Griuskant?
Eldin, this is Reyzadren from the future. Yes, Sound Machine was translated and is now available in griushkoent.

Link: staipnazh


Rebranding to griushkoent, as it should have been. Thus, griuskant shall be relegated to an alternative English spelling. Everyone is still welcome to use the word "griuskant", but all statements from me will now use the romanisation [griushkoent] from here onwards.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 27 May 2024 03:52, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Khemehekis »

Reyzadren wrote: 07 Sep 2023 00:00 Collaboration: rebin yujon


Reyzadren and Khemehekis sang together in a CBB collaboration! The song is sung both in Kankonian and griushkoent. Khemehekis owns the Lehola galaxy with all sorts of planets, biota and cultures. His conlang, Kankonian, is well known to have more than 83000 word entries. Check out his website here, and subscribe to his youtube channel.

Joyful finality.
Kezin az Yalizeyas (CBB collab)
Ooh, love the way you used my AI art of Avril!

The Kankonian lyrics translated:

"Kezin az Yalizeyas"

Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)
Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)

Wir eafeyet (Let's talk it over)
Ayinakran as gurez (Communication is medicine)
Mahan ziyen as fas ad (Is it something to)
Faz o fas ad oyez? (Do or something to say?)

Os smukhet shil shwoli (Don't leave it hanging by a thread)
Bad na is fuiras gehez (My head wants to spin)
Er łuthis az (In a city that)
Os anas argas meyez (Doesn't have many people)

Ar en hales gilas azad is (You were all the things that I)
Kardasen yakh wir e (Thought that we were)

Ar en halis, halis azid is fuiren (You were everything, everything that I wanted)
Dospezen, av yau pilakh na wir hambiren (Meant to be, but then our ground shook)
Hales tzelomes oshoki łaitzartas va efish (All the nearby memories started to fade)
Ar keyesen, umbe steyas (You pretended, now [you] admit)
Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)

. . .

E siniz dyu ar en nekaktel (Your being there for me was nice)
Auyakh is aesh as dwidel (Even if I currently am miserable)
Blank is kureshen oor bein ad ar (For a while I felt like the boy for you)
Izar non ovai sheheł na is (Thanks for watching my fall)
Mui emiya az ham as spais (And letting know that this was the end)
Am bayis en splen kaluk kar (And the world was light before dark)

. . .

Ar en halis, halis azid is fuiren (You were everything, everything that I wanted)
Dospezen, av yau pilakh na wir hambiren (Meant to be, but then our ground shook)
Hales tzelomes oshoki łaitzartas va efish (All the nearby memories started to fade)
Ar keyesen, umbe steyas (You pretended, now [you] admit)
Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)

Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)
Nos kezin az yalizeyas (No happy ending)

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: 92,000 words and counting

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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Man in Space »

What prompted the name change?
Twin Aster megathread


CC = Common Caber
CK = Classical Khaya
CT = Classical Ĝare n Tim Ar
Kg = Kgáweq'
PB = Proto-Beheic
PO = Proto-O
PTa = Proto-Taltic
STK = Sisỏk Tlar Kyanà
Tm = Təmattwəspwaypksma
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Khemehekis wrote: 07 Sep 2023 02:55Ooh, love the way you used my AI art of Avril!
When I saw it, I knew I just had to have it as the intro pic for the post.
Man in Space wrote: 07 Sep 2023 03:41What prompted the name change?
Initially upon joining CBB: potential problems regarding IPA, confusion with similar natlang names, familiarity for English speakers, short collaborations etc. However over the years, I have never encountered big problems when showing my conlang and was supposed to restore its name back, but I kept delaying it.

Of all things, I can't believe it's the CBBMLLFPD that made me not get lazy about stuff.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Khemehekis »

Reyzadren wrote: 11 Sep 2023 00:26
Khemehekis wrote: 07 Sep 2023 02:55Ooh, love the way you used my AI art of Avril!
When I saw it, I knew I just had to have it as the intro pic for the post.
Awwwww, this melts my heart.
Initially upon joining CBB: potential problems regarding IPA, confusion with similar natlang names, familiarity for English speakers, short collaborations etc. However over the years, I have never encountered big problems when showing my conlang and was supposed to restore its name back, but I kept delaying it.
Which natlang has a name that sounds like "griuskant" or "griushkoent"?
Of all things, I can't believe it's the CBBMLLFPD that made me not get lazy about stuff.
Proud to have a part in it!

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: 92,000 words and counting

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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Khemehekis wrote: 12 Sep 2023 08:03Which natlang has a name that sounds like "griuskant" or "griushkoent"?
On IRC, it was made known to me by CBB people that there is a natlang called Rumantsch Grischun.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Book: xaroebzag


Life without magic in the narou negion: A sociological perspective

Song: aeskae saeth

My monarch. Sung in griushkoent.
aeskae saeth

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
yaji yaercenstaip zidan
klitha naer vozh uvos un vozh uv zaeil
aesk az iki zhae shur daercan
uvzaei aesk haemantae ivas
un ost az iki aeskae shaski zhaeth
ost uvzaei az aeskae saeth

ost az shaskesenuven
ost uayil az hin aeskae uar
aesk uayil az hin ost
zhae az aeskae gloimpen vaezh ost
zhae oerdzencawusk un daej ikian
kinsh eshoezia vozh skanszaeil
zhua aspkuyedi ur
zhua uzbkuyedi ur vuzh uazh

kuazhstihen, poimsulcen
raes keda ostae shaul
vezh zhe shod, roidoz kan raeinan ost
kin uvos ijsaeban aesk
zidaae uv retens
zhed ijspaezhan aesk vozh zhae zaeil
vuzh aeskae ruk un zhae daezh
un gaerta tulgendjaeir
nith aeskes, zher daerkan, kun gauskan aesk
raik laeizoet un muir
jinlaeind thaf un shoig
un tuza zaeil un oezstiha zhae warkzaeil
kiuzh zhae yujonzaeil
zher aesk ijsaeba thaf vaezh zhe rulghaemon

vaezh zhe rulghaemon

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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Translation: lyrshi uazhae oelzhaezh


Translation of the novella The Giants of the Violet Sea by Eugenia Triantafyllou.
lyrshi uazhae oelzhaezh

Translation: caus kayoec (hiodel)


Translation of The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers (Book 4: The Ring Goes East) by John Tolkien.
caus kayoec (hiodel)

Song: rolkyr

Hurricane. Sung in griushkoent.

Lyrics with romanisation shown below. Original script link.
raesesuvis koensh uthzhaunendsa.
raes kan kana va vaezh zhe kanshe ?
ostae kigenikien,,
aeskes azd klouc shur zidan
tak shur zidan
daerc shur zidan.
detase kinsula.
uts, raik er nitha zher saerpa vozh ysenyeh.
[cawusk aspan vuzh zhe uazh un zhe ysi rolkyra]

kiyaez zhae gau, kiyaez evs nast,
aeskes oezkoena gauk
[oev skoen shai ilzi shrijan. zhegae ysi rolkyra]

raesae beskae yuhi xas
un galaeishzaum
[rolkyra | zidi zidi rolkyra]

zhae zaum,,
ara ki shulcauae uvis
zhas koenrend

ostdae kunen az iki zhe
ost seviar
raes kaensh ashaeistanar, sar.

[ost un aesk zhers ashoez ashoez]

rolkyr, rolkyr. zhegae kanse zaera ara ga ferjanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. raes az dyrgdae taeibai ysxasanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. zhegae kanse zaera ara ga ferjanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. raes az dyrgdae taeibai ysxasanae

sar, zhegae yadain oev smouluvas
uvaens aspa daega atshurvaens
sar, zhegae trezhai oev pualtivas
daeki cawusk aspan daegan uazhwaeizhaens

az cigroe, az cigroe,
az cigroe, cigroe, cigroe
az cigroe, az cigroe,
az cigroe, cigroe, cigroe

aei stuazhi stuazhai stuazhene
souyi souyain souysi poetoeshaens
kanarai kanare zhegaei ivis
aenshurrygan raesae ilzzaupaens

az cigroe, az cigroe,
az cigroe, cigroe, cigroe
az cigroe, az cigroe,
az cigroe, cigroe, cigroe

kanain zhaeth, kanain kaeing
at az degzaeilae itroepe
hilsekgrougae daekhunzenyad
atralpi oezuzban ynt

zhaeguvis saerpskuyi
ysyurki itoroev
raesae is jaikstaip
indaerorain indaeroev

voezh vo, ga gauzhen
gauzh shurvyajon kiuzh shurvyujon
zhe syrtae ziagae rioundae saeth
yadai guyemuayilen az zhasi raes
[ost un aesk zhers ashoez ashoez]

rolkyr, rolkyr. zhegae kanse zaera ara ga ferjanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. raes az dyrgdae taeibai ysxasanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. zhegae kanse zaera ara ga ferjanae
rolkyr, rolkyr. raes az dyrgdae taeibai ysxasanae
Last edited by Reyzadren on 27 May 2024 03:40, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Khemehekis »

Reyzadren wrote: 18 Sep 2023 01:16
Khemehekis wrote: 12 Sep 2023 08:03Which natlang has a name that sounds like "griuskant" or "griushkoent"?
On IRC, it was made known to me by CBB people that there is a natlang called Rumantsch Grischun.
Well, Kankonian sounds like Konkani! That's never bothered me, though.

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

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Re: griushkoent conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

^Yes, same. It was for presentation only so that it doesn't confuse people.
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